Chapter 209.
209. Lost leg
"I've been receiving relief and alms all my life, what is it if it's not trash?"

Zhao Xiaoling wrung out a clean towel and handed it to Xiao Tangyuan.

"Little Tangyuan, let me tell you, I understand how you feel now. You are just worried that because you lost a leg, you will not be able to support yourself in the future. You are wrong. There are many means of making a living. Many ways of making a living do not require legs. Living alone Whether it is good or not, the most important thing is whether the brain is flexible or not. In your case, let’s think of a way slowly, and we will come up with a way that suits your life. Commander Lu is right, there are no legs or hands in this world. There are a lot of people here, if they can live, so can you, not to mention you and our comrades-in-arms, why can’t you live like a normal person.”

Zhao Xiaoling's words made Xiao Tangyuan feel a little more stable.

He fell silent.

Seeing that he could listen to her words, Zhao Xiaoling continued: "Nowadays the technology is advanced, I heard that there is a kind of artificial limb in foreign countries, which is installed on the body, and you can still walk normally like before."

Xiao Tangyuan's eyes lit up, "Really? Is there really such a prosthetic? Can I really walk and run like before?"

"Running is more difficult, but walking is not a problem. Of course, it is impossible to be as flexible as before. But having a prosthetic is always better than not having one. Not only does it look better physically, but you can also walk with your help."

"Is the prosthesis expensive? Can I have a prosthetic?" Xiao Tangyuan looked at Zhao Xiaoling and Lu Hongjun with dark eyes, because the inside was still moist and clear after crying.

Zhao Xiaoling said: "I don't know if there are artificial limbs in China now, I have to ask Dean Ma of the medical department."

After hearing this, Lu Hongjun rushed to the dean's office in a hurry.

Lu Lei said: "I'll go get some porridge for you to eat!"

Xiao Tangyuan nodded, "Okay! I'm really hungry!"

When Lu Lei went out, Xiao Tangyuan asked persistently, "I'm not the only one of you who have no legs in the hospital, right? Others who have lost their legs can also be fitted with artificial limbs?"

"Sorry, I'm new here, so I don't know about this situation. When Commander Lu comes back, he will tell you that he must have gone to talk to Dean Ma about it."

director's office.

Dean Ma said: "Prosthetics need to be ordered from abroad, and the price is expensive. Like the little soldier sent last night, he is a hero and deserves this kind of treatment. No matter how expensive it is, he should be equipped with a prosthetic. But there are a series of procedures for reporting, reviewing orders, etc.”

"When is the best time to install it? During recovery, or after he's fully recovered?"

"It depends on what function to install. Ordinary functions, that is, decorative prosthetics, have the effect of beautifying the body, and that's it. It can be installed after recovery. If it is intelligent and has the function of walking, The price is much more expensive, and it must be installed after three months. During this period, the residual limb has almost recovered, and after the installation, you can walk after training.”

"Dean Ma, Xiao Tangyuan saved many of us. At the last moment, he pushed the other two comrades in arms. With his skill, if he didn't push that, he would not have suffered such a serious injury. So he must Ann the best prosthetics."

"This needs to be criticized by the higher authorities?"

(End of this chapter)

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