Chapter 210 210. Prosthesis
210. Prosthetics
Lu Hongjun was in a hurry, "What are you criticizing? It's no problem for him to be awarded first-class merit in this situation. He has paid such a high price for the country. We can't let him feel bad, right?"

Dean Ma said: "Captain Lu, don't get excited, don't get excited, I understand your feelings, but do you know how much it costs to install a prosthesis? It doesn't count the manpower and material resources of our hospital, it's just that it's brought in from abroad. How much does it cost?"

"how much is it?"

"A decorative prosthesis costs 2000 yuan, and a functional prosthesis costs 20 yuan."

"20..." Lu Hongjun was stunned, 2000 yuan is already a lot of money, 20, that is a lot of money!
"Commander Lu, I know that for our hero, we should repay him no matter what, but the country is riddled with holes and it is very difficult! Many people are still hungry! An ordinary person's life for a year The average cost of living is more than 100 yuan. Do the math, how many people can be supported by 20 yuan?"

Lu Hongjun came out of Dean Ma's office dejectedly. He didn't dare to go to Xiaotangyuan's ward. Can you walk with the help of crutches?

Lu Lei came out and saw Lu Hongjun wandering outside, "How is it? What did Dean Ma say, can I use artificial limbs?"

Lu Hongjun sighed deeply, and told Lu Lei what Dean Ma had said.

Lu Lei said angrily: "What approval? Isn't it because you are afraid of spending money? They shed blood and died for the sake of the country and the people. You can't treat others badly just because of money!"

"The cost is indeed too high." Lu Hongjun was born in the countryside, and he knows that earning money is not easy. He has never heard of such a large amount of money as 20 in his life.

"No matter how much money you have, you should install it for him. This is a matter of his happiness for the rest of his life."

Zhao Xiaoling who came out later heard what they said.

"Why don't our country produce this prosthetic by itself? If we produce it ourselves, the price will not be so expensive." Zhao Xiaoling felt very regretful. In the war last year, countless people were injured. There were many people who needed prosthetics, but there were none in her own country. Own production line for prosthetics.

"It may be that the technology is not good! Over the years, many technologies have been abandoned, and now they are just beginning to recover."

"Technology can also be imported! Pay a high price to invite a foreign expert in this field to provide technical guidance. As long as you want to do something, there is nothing you can't do."

"These are all things for the future. The most important thing now is what about the little glutinous rice balls?" Lu Hongjun said with a worried face.

Zhao Xiaoling said: "Isn't it just a matter of money? You can't let Xiaotangyuan regret for a lifetime just because of this little money."

"What is this little money, 20!"

"The amount of money now is indeed astronomical, but ten or twenty years later, this amount of money will be nothing. So the difficulties are also temporary."

Lu Hongjun couldn't believe it and said: "How do you know that hundreds of thousands in ten or twenty years are nothing?"

"I am now a soldier, so I can't do business to make money. Otherwise, give me five years, and the 20 yuan will not be a problem."

Lu Hongjun looked at Zhao Xiaoling suspiciously, "What does your family do? You haven't been criticized as a landlord these years, have you?"

"Now there are no landlords, and there are no criticism meetings. You should keep pace with the times. The most popular thing now is to do business to make money."

(End of this chapter)

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