Chapter 227
227. Coincidence
Zhao Xiaoling said: "Let's go back! I'm almost melted by these eyes."

Although she just glanced at it casually just now, she still felt Li Qing's resentful gaze.

She also vaguely heard someone comment that in order to gain the favor of Commander Chen and show off her good figure, she actually wore casual clothes instead of military uniforms in the camp, which caused a bad influence.

This is the early 80s, the atmosphere is not very civilized, and this is still a camp, and there is a war more than 30 kilometers away from here, and everyone is solemn and rigorous.

Zhao Xiaoling, who has lived a new life, knows that low-key people want to live longer.

Chen Yifan was about to speak, when a surprised voice came, "Brother Yifan, what a coincidence, I met you when I first arrived here."

Zhao Xiaoling looked up and saw a girl about her age approaching from the opposite side.

Braids, a snow-white shirt, a pair of blue overalls, tall, fair-skinned, outstanding-looking, and stylishly dressed.

She was also looking at Zhao Xiaoling, with critical and strong dissatisfaction, hostility, rejection, and arrogance in her eyes.

Beside her, there was a man who was about the same age as Chen Yifan. While nodding at Chen Yifan and Zhao Xiaoling, he was also carefully looking at Zhao Xiaoling.

"Tingting, Jiang Guo, why are you two brothers and sisters here?"

Jiang Tingting said coquettishly: "My father is ill. My brother and I came to see my father. My mother also wanted to come. My grandfather is also in poor health, so I only sent my brother and me."

"Don't worry, your dad is much better now, and he has been complaining about leaving the hospital! You go! He may have just had dinner now."

"Brother Yifan, we're new here and we don't know the way well, so take us there!"

Chen Yifan glanced at Zhao Xiaoling beside him, "The camp hospital is 500 meters ahead, just follow this road and you will be there. If you don't know anything, just ask anyone on the road."

Jiang Guo on the side said: "Yifan, let's go then!"

As he spoke, he walked forward alone, leaving Jiang Tingting standing there unwillingly.

Jiang Tingting looked at her brother who was walking to the front, and then at Chen Yifan who didn't want to take her to stand there indifferently. She was secretly unhappy, and had to say, "Then I'll go to see my father first, and then I'll see you."

"Just look at your father, not me."

"You...I... ran all the way here, how could you treat me like this?"

"This is the camp on the front line. I'm busy with business. I should treat you two brothers and sisters to a meal as a landlord, but I can only make up for it later when I go back."

"Brother Yifan..."

Chen Yifan pointed to Jiang Guo who strode away, "Why don't you hurry up and chase your brother?"

Jiang Tingting stomped her feet and could only run forward to chase Jiang Guo.

After finally catching up with Jiang Guo, he said angrily: "You are a little promising, okay? People obviously don't want to be with you, and you always lick your cheeks and stick them on them. You have completely embarrassed our Jiang family." gone."

Jiang Tingting came all the way to meet Chen Yifan and tell him the good news that she was admitted to the National Defense University, but she received such a cold reception, and there was a woman beside him.

A woman's innate intuition told her that this woman had an unusual relationship with her brother Yifan, and that brother Yifan was so proud of him. She had never seen him walking side by side with any woman.

 Little cuties, I’m back, thank you for your perseverance, starting today, I will resume updating, because I have no manuscripts, I may write and update in the past few days, I will continue to write after eating, love you all !
(End of this chapter)

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