Chapter 228 228. Siblings
228. Brother and sister
Jiang Tingting keenly felt that this girl was not simple, she looked and dressed well, and more importantly, Brother Yifan's attitude towards her.

The way he looked at this woman was full of affection. Such eyes had never been used on her before, and she was annoyed!Jiang Tingting became even more unhappy when Jiang Guo said these heart-breaking words.

Other people's elder brothers are very doting and tolerant towards their younger sisters, but this elder brother of his own family is always so impatient with her.

She has been like this since she was a child. When she was young, she always made her brother unhappy because she was ignorant. Later, she found out that other people's brothers treated her sister well, and she also wanted her brother to treat her well, so she changed her attitude and stopped arguing with her brother. I hope that because of her change, her brother's attitude towards her can be driven, but no matter how nice she is to her brother and her, she still treats her indifferently, and sometimes even annoys her.

You still talk about me, as if you have given the Jiang family a lot of face.Parents let you go to military school, what kind of economic management did you choose, they let you join the army, if you are not a soldier, you just want to make money, no matter how much money you make, you are just a businessman, and being a soldier is the most honorable thing. "

Jiang Guo snorted contemptuously, "Don't think that being admitted to the National Defense University is a big deal, it's just a credit to the Jiang family, you didn't rely on the Jiang family's family background, they made an exception to the admission, if you are with other people You also rely entirely on your own ability to pass the exam, I really admire you."

"You..." Jiang Tingting was too angry to speak.

Jiang Guo added another knife, "Don't show off to others that you have been admitted to the National Defense University in the future. People in these circles don't know that your National Defense University is so good."

After Jiang Guo finished speaking, she left Jiang Tingting, who was staring blankly with anger, and walked into the camp hospital on her long legs.

Zhao Xiaoling watched the Jiang family brothers and sisters walk away, "Are they the son and daughter of Commander Jiang?"

Chen Yifan nodded, supported Zhao Xiaoling's shoulders and walked forward.

"I grew up in the south, and later my parents went to the northern military region, and lived in the same compound with Jiang Junchang's family. Later, I went to school as a soldier and rarely went back. I didn't know them very well, but my parents and them were very close. cooked."

"I think Jiang Tingting likes you."

"What does it matter to me who she likes? The person I like is you."

"I'm afraid your parents like her too."

"So what? Those are the people I live with, not them."

However, Zhao Xiaoling did not feel relaxed because of Chen Yifan's explanation. Normally, when parents have their favorite daughter-in-law candidates, it is difficult for them to accept other people. No matter how good other people are, they are still dissatisfied in their eyes. Because they already have a specific person in their minds, preconceptions occupy the position in their minds.

It would be easy to say if this happened to an ordinary family, the parents' opinions could not compare with the son's persistence after all, but their family background was prominent, and the parents' influence was much greater than the average.

Zhao Xiaoling sighed softly in her heart. In her previous life, she made a mess of mistakes in her marriage, and her whole life was miserable because of a bad marriage.

In this life, she didn't dare to have too much hope for marriage, and even planned to live alone for the rest of her life, but she happened to meet Chen Yifan again.

The more she got in touch with, the more she felt his excellence. She couldn't believe that she would have such good luck to meet such a good person.

(End of this chapter)

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