Chapter 240 240. Friends
240. Friend
Jiang Guo regained his spirits all of a sudden, "Really? What kind of business do you do?"

Zhao Xiaoling briefly talked about the situation at home, and then talked about how she brought her aunt and grandma to the county town with her whole family, and started to set up a stall for business and then opened a shop.

After hearing this, Jiang Guo sighed, "Compared to you, I am ashamed. If I were under such difficult conditions as you, I would not be able to do anything at all."

Zhao Xiaoling smiled, "I was forced by life and had to fight to the death. In fact, I am not very interested in doing business. Now that my grandma and aunt have no worries about food and clothing, I can do what I like with peace of mind. "

"You like being a soldier?"

"I can't say whether I like it or not. I became a soldier because I wanted to experience a different life. Isn't being a soldier the most glorious thing in the contemporary era? I want to feel it, and there are people I like here. Falling in love with an industry, Maybe it’s because there are people I like in that industry, and if I fall in love with a place, it’s because there’s someone I like there.”

"So, you knew Chen Yifan long before you became a soldier?"

"Yes, I knew him as early as a year ago. At that time, it was the most difficult time for me, and he helped me."

"So that's how it is. It's another plot where a hero saves the beauty. Oh! By the way, is your cold better?"

"Take the medicine and sleep, it's much better."

"My dad asked me to greet you on his behalf and apologize."

Zhao Xiaoling waved her hands again and again and said, "Don't, I can't bear it. As I said earlier, Jiang Tingting is Jiang Tingting, and you are you."

"My younger sister has liked Chen Yifan for many years, and you suddenly appeared, so she couldn't accept it for a while, please don't argue with her."

"I can forgive her this time, but I just hope she can figure it out and stop doing such crazy things again and again."

"I'll take her away tomorrow, and it's impossible for you two to meet again in the future."

"Not necessarily! She and I were both admitted to the same university at the same time, as Commander Jiang said, maybe we are still in the same class!"

Zhao Xiaoling can only lament that Enjiai's road is narrow.

"Yes! You are all going to the National Defense University, but don't worry, I will warn her not to cause trouble."

Zhao Xiaoling smiled and said nothing.

Jiang Guo changed the subject and said, "By the way, why did you think of making food before?"

"Food is the most important thing for the people. No matter who you are, no matter how rich you are, three meals a day are indispensable, and the rice noodles we sell are local snacks, everyone likes to eat, and the price is very low, everyone can afford it. In fact, our ingredients are good, and the rice noodles are delicious, even better than the rice noodles in public canteens. It can be said that we have the right time, place and people, and it is impossible for the business to fail.”

Jiang Guo was very interested in Zhao Xiaoling's statement, "What you said is very reasonable. What I do is also food, but I am in the food business. My ideas coincide with yours. I also think that eating a full stomach is a good thing. The most important and basic requirement for everyone, but there are limitations in food production. For example, you only have so much energy for your snack bar. No matter how good the business is, it is impossible to open two or three stores. It is impossible like you said become bigger and stronger."

"Of course! You can open several chain stores, and ask someone to help manage each store." Then, Zhao Xiaoling briefly talked about the management and business model of the chain store.

 The other two updates will be posted in the afternoon!

(End of this chapter)

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