Chapter 241
241. Learn from scriptures
Jiang Guo was surprised, "How do you know so much? And judging from your management and business model, what kind of knowledge, perspective and mind must a person have to do this."

Zhao Xiaoling was not born knowing these things, she came from later generations, and the chain stores of later generations are all over the street. It was the most advanced management model summed up by many sages and wise men, and she just bowed her head and picked it up.

Although Jiang Tingting made Zhao Xiaoling feel uncomfortable, Jiang Junchang and Jiang Guo were very different from Jiang Tingting in terms of IQ, EQ, and mind. Both father and son were people whom Zhao Xiaoling admired and respected.

Zhao Xiaoling introduced all the business management models she knew to Jiang Guo.

Jiang Guo is modest and eager to learn. He took out his pen and notebook, listened carefully like a primary school student listening to a teacher's lecture, and took notes carefully.

Zhao Xiaoling simply told him everything she knew about the business, and also analyzed the current situation and the general trend of future economic development.During that time period, what to do is the most profitable.

After talking about it, Jiang Guo said excitedly: "Zhao Xiaoling, you are born to be a good businessman, you don't want to be a soldier, we two start a business together, I contribute funds and contacts, you come up with ideas, we will work together, we will definitely It will do great things.”

Zhao Xiaoling shook her head, "What I'm talking about is just talk on paper. It's not easy to actually do it. It takes a lot of work and suffering. As a businessman, if you succeed, others only see your glamorous side, but don't see it. To pay behind your back the hard work that others can't see or understand. In my life, I just want to live a small life in peace and stability. I don't have too much desire for money, and I will be safe if I am a little rich."

"You! What an incredible existence, a unity of contradictions. You say you don't want to do business, but you have figured out so many good management methods, as well as an analysis of the future economic development form, and what you say is logical and reasonable. According to it, if you don't want to do business, why are you thinking about this?"

It was only at this time that Zhao Xiaoling realized that she was showing off too much, and she reluctantly explained: "Because I was afraid of being poor before, whenever I was free every day, I would think about how to make money and how to support my family. My own experience, I started a business later, I don’t have to worry about food and clothing, this habit has remained unchanged, and I like to think about it when I have nothing to do.”

"You call it blind thinking, so what do I call it? That's nonsense." Jiang Guo sighed.

"Aren't you a little accomplished? How could you be fooling around? You are also good, with a bright future." Zhao Xiaoling is not just perfunctory. People who have a sense of business at this time, take advantage of this good opportunity to make a lot of money made a fortune.

"I was rushing around with a lot of enthusiasm, but I didn't have such a clear-minded analysis of the country's situation, consumer groups, and development trends like you."

"Don't take my analysis as a dogma. It's just a way of thinking. The most important thing in business is to be adaptable, and sometimes your intuition is also very important."

"Today I really realized that talking with you is better than ten years of reading. Zhao Xiaoling, how can you be so smart? You know so much at such a young age. It's not easy! No wonder you have always been so arrogant. Chen Yifan has a soft spot for you, and it is inevitable that my sister will lose to you."

(End of this chapter)

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