Chapter 366 366. Disappointment
366. Disappointed
"It's okay!" Liu Lihong said coldly.He glanced at Zhao Xiaoling, with skates in his eyes.

Seeing that Liu Lihong was full of hostility towards Zhao Xiaoling, Chen Yifan gave up the idea of ​​sending her home, pulled Zhao Xiaoling into the car, started the car and drove away.

Liu Lihong could only go home with a limp.

Seeing Jiang Tingting angrily sitting on the sofa eating apples, ignoring her injured leg, and not feeling any guilt about letting her go and let her sit on the floor just now, Liu Lihong suddenly felt that she had done wrong all these years, she should not have put her child on the ground. Coddling into the selfish and selfish way she is now.

"Tingting, are you still angry?"

"Of course I'm angry. You kept telling me that you would find a way to get me and Brother Yifan together. It made me wishful thinking all these years, but now you tell me that there is nothing I can do. I can only watch him and other girls. Greetings and flirtations under my nose. Think about it, why don't I get angry, how is it possible?"

Thinking of her daughter's current mood and situation, Liu Lihong felt sorry for her again, and the complaints about her just now disappeared in an instant.

"Tingting, you are now in the same class and dormitory as Zhao Xiaoling, and Chen Yifan is your instructor. It feels awkward to watch them together every day. Why don't mom find a way to transfer you to another class?"

"No, why should I be transferred to another class? Why not transfer her away?"

"Well... I'm afraid I won't be able to transfer Zhao Xiaoling away to Chen Yifan."

"So I'm going to be overwhelmed by Zhao Xiaoling from the countryside for the rest of my life?"

Jiang Tingting screamed angrily.

"Tingting, let's not argue with her, okay? Just let go of this matter. You have such good conditions and you are beautiful. You will find someone better than Chen Yifan."

"Don't mention any good conditions to me. I have better conditions than Zhao Xiaoling. Chen Yifan would rather choose her than me."

Liu Lihong's foot hurt more and more. She looked at it and found that it was red and swollen, so she ordered the nanny to bring medicine to bandage her.

From the beginning to the end, Jiang Tingting never asked if her foot hurt or if it was serious.

Liu Lihong was very sad, but there was nothing she could do. She loved her with all her might, cared for her in every possible way, and worked hard to raise her. Now, because of something unexpected to them, she resented her.

Ever since she was a child, she has tried her best to satisfy Tingting whatever she wanted. She thought that Chen Yifan could do it too. She had put in so much effort to facilitate this marriage. .

She couldn't have expected the result now.

Jiang Tingting, who has always been responsive to requests, could not accept it.

"Tingting, blame me for this matter, and blame my mother for not helping you, but you can't resent me because of this matter, and I don't want to do this either!"

Jiang Tingting was eating by herself, how could she not blame her, didn't she keep saying that there was no problem?The result was like this, giving people hope but not realizing it.

"Tingting, you can't just erase my love for you these years because of this incident? I've always treated you as my own child."

"I didn't say you treated me badly. I know how good you have been to me over the years, and I keep it in my heart, but I can't calm down about this matter now, so let me stay alone for a while, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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