Chapter 367 367. Jealousy
367. Jealousy
As Jiang Tingting said, she slammed the door and entered the room.

The deafening sound frightened Liu Lihong's heart.

My daughter has grown up, and she has begun to separate from her!Liu Lihong was a little sad.

Shall I tell her something?No, no, no, not yet.

Someone came in from outside the door, it was Jiang Guo, he nodded politely to Liu Lihong, and entered his room.

After a while, Jiang Guo brought out another bag and told Liu Lihong that he would not be coming back tonight, he was going to another place, and he might not be back until three or five days.

When Jiang Guo's mother died, Jiang Guo was already nine years old, and she had a deep affection for her biological mother. She couldn't accept Liu Lihong as his mother, so she had to call him Aunt Liu Lihong.

At that time, Jiang Tingting was only over one year old, and she was brought up by Liu Lihong. She had feelings, so calling her mother was very natural.They also get along in the same relationship as all mothers and daughters.

As Jiang Guo's stepson, Liu Lihong couldn't integrate into his heart no matter what.

No matter how hard Liu Lihong tried to treat him, he always called her auntie in a distant manner, looked at her calmly, and dealt with her politely.

So Liu Lihong has been unable to understand this stepson.My heart is very good at him.

As long as this stepson was present, Liu Lihong felt that the atmosphere was different, so when Jiang Guo came in and went out, she felt relieved.Fortunately, Jiang Guo doesn't like to stay at home, and often goes outside. He bought a house outside.

Back at school at night, Jiang Tingting saw Zhao Xiaoling and Chen Yifan on the training ground from a distance. Both of them were wearing military uniforms, and it didn't look like they were training. They just stood there as if they were talking.

Jiang Tingting returned to the dormitory angrily. The driver saw that her face was not good, carefully put her things on the bed, and said, "I'll go first." Then he ran away.

Now she knows that she and Chen Yifan are absolutely impossible. Not only does the family have no leverage at all, but they are in love with each other now, and they are like glue. She even made a bet with Zhao Xiaoling before. Through this period of training, she knows that if Zhao Xiaoling dares to make such a bet, then If she really has this strength, then she is now a complete joke.

Jiang Tingting's life has been going smoothly since she was a child, and she can get what she wants, and she has never been so lost and frustrated as she is now.

She frantically pulled the things on Zhao Xiaoling's bed to the ground, stepped on them a few times, and smashed her lunch box.

Wang Yalan and Mu Xiaoxue in the dormitory were talking together. Seeing Jiang Tingting like this, they didn't dare to say anything, and they all lowered their heads and started sewing.

Jiang Tingting went crazy for a while, then lay on her bed and sulked.

She was waiting for Zhao Xiaoling to come back, and the two of them had a hearty fight, and fighting was fine, but Jiang Tingting had practiced with her father, and she thought it would be no problem to fight with ordinary girls.

She was very dissatisfied with Zhao Xiaoling, full of resentment, if she didn't vent her anger in a fight, she was about to go crazy.

Very late, Zhao Xiaoling and Lu Lei came back from outside.

Jiang Tingting fell asleep on the bed, but when she heard the movement, she quickly got up.Zhao Xiaoling saw that the bedding on her bed was piled up on the floor, and the things had been ruined terribly.

Turning around, Jiang Tingting looked at her provocatively.

Use this kind of indiscriminate means again.

She spent 1 minute thinking about how to deal with this matter.

If it is reported to the teacher in charge of the class, with the relationship of Jiang Tingting's family, the matter will be nothing more than nothing in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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