Chapter 412 412. Panic
412. panic
Liu Lihong fixed her eyes on Zhao Xiaoling, Zhao Xiaoling and the others had gone far away, she was still staring at Zhao Xiaoling's back, not only her face and expression, but also her back.

God!How is this going?This is impossible, who is she?How could she look so similar to Ma Yuemei?
Liu Lihong was stunned.

Jiang Tingting pushed her, and said impatiently: "People have already gone far, you still see, what's there to see? Let's go!"

Liu Lihong came back to her senses.

They walked forward, and Jiang Tingting said angrily: "It's really a narrow road! This Zhao Xiaoling did it on purpose. I usually see her every day at school, and she is annoying every day. Now she even comes to me on weekends." Disgusting me."

Liu Lihong lost her mind and didn't hear her daughter's complaints. Jiang Tingting scolded Zhao Xiaoling. Seeing that her mother didn't respond, she just lowered her head and was in a daze. No response."

Liu Lihong was still absent-minded, "Ah! Tingting, what are you talking about?"

Jiang Tingting stamped her feet, "I said what's the matter with you? Why don't you listen to me? What are you thinking?"

"Ah! I'm sorry, Tingting, I was thinking about something just now, what did you want to tell me just now, please say it again, mom is listening!"

Jiang Tingting said discouragedly: "Forget it, I won't talk about it."

The two continued to walk forward.

Liu Lihong kept recalling the scene when she saw Zhao Xiaoling just now in her mind. Zhao Xiaoling's face and Ma Yuemei's face were constantly overlapping.

Who is Zhao Xiaoling?Why is it so similar to Ma Yuemei?She is from Nan Province. Could it be Ma Yuemei's daughter?When this idea entered her mind, Liu Lihong desperately wanted to drive it away, but the more she wanted to drive it away, the stronger the idea became.

No, it's impossible. How could there be such a coincidence in this world?The world is so big and the sea of ​​people is so vast, how could it be her?
Leaving aside whether that child is still alive or not, even if she is alive, how could she come to the capital thousands of miles away in such a remote place, and then come in front of Mr. Ma?
But why does she look so similar to Ma Yuemei?And why can he be favored by Mr. Ma?

Mr. Ma cares so much about Zhao Xiaoling, maybe it's because she looks a lot like his daughter!
This recognition made Liu Lihong even more flustered, it must be so, otherwise how to explain Mr. Ma's abnormal attitude towards Zhao Xiaoling?

Over the years, she has seen with her own eyes that many people want to curry favor with Mr. Ma, and make friends with him!But I've never seen him treat anyone like Zhao Xiaoling.

If Zhao Xiaoling is really Ma Yuemei's child, then sooner or later, the truth will be revealed, and her lies back then will be exposed, and everything she has now will be lost very quickly.

Not only her, but also everything that her daughter has will be lost, so all her efforts over the years will be wiped out.

Thinking of these, Liu Lihong felt cold and terrified all over her body.

Jiang Tingting saw that Liu Lihong looked thoughtful and out of her mind, she didn't know what she was thinking, but she didn't have the patience to care about her, she was only used to her caring and considerate for her all the time.

"Mom, let's go to the department store first to see if there are any nice clothes on the shelves, and then let's go to a newly opened restaurant for dinner."

(End of this chapter)

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