Chapter 413 413. Vegetable Money
413. Vegetable money
Jiang Tingting made a sound suddenly, and Liu Lihong was taken aback.

Seeing Liu Lihong like this, Jiang Tingting said unhappily: "Mom, what's going on with you these two days? Why are you either distracted or in a trance, or panicked? You've never been like this before."

yes!Since Liu Lihong became Mrs. Jiang, everything she had dreamed of before has come true. What else can make her sleepless and worried?

Although there are some difficulties, for example, the Ma family's attitude towards her is not good, Jiang Xiaodong has been outside for many years, and when he comes back occasionally, he is also polite to her. There is.

The superior living conditions these years have turned her into a calm and elegant Mrs. Jiang. When has she ever been so panicked?
Liu Lihong calmed down, "Tingting, I'm sorry, mom has been feeling unwell for the past two days, and when she's not feeling well, she's also in a bad mood, please be considerate of mom, if mom can't take care of you, don't worry about it. "

"You're lying. You're not feeling well, but something is on your mind. What's the matter with you? Can't you tell me?"

How could the daughter know about these things.

Liu Lihong panicked: "No, Tingting, mom is fine, really fine."

He said this on his lips, but his expression couldn't deceive anyone.

Jiang Tingting felt that she was too disappointing, so she pouted in displeasure.

Knowing her daughter's temper, Liu Lihong pulled herself together and said, "Okay, okay, let's go quickly and go to the department store to see beautiful clothes."

Liu Lihong is not interested in anything at the moment. She originally wanted her daughter not to go. When she goes to military school, she wears military uniform most of the time. She can only wear casual clothes on weekends. But she doesn’t want to spoil her daughter’s interest, so she still has to go with her.

And Zhao Xiaoling and the others arrived at the Chen family.

Putting down the vegetables he bought, Mr. Ma handed over a handful of money and said, "Xiaoling! You buy vegetables here every weekend and cook them for us. You spend money and effort, and take up your time. I feel sorry for you. Among other things, I can't always let you spend money, and I won't use my salary if I leave it alone, so you can take the money!"

Zhao Xiaoling stepped back and waved her hands again and again, "Grandpa, don't be like this, how much does it cost to buy this order? We eat too, don't we?"

Mr. Ma said stubbornly: "Xiaoling, don't be polite to me, just accept it! Otherwise, how dare I come to eat your dishes every day."

Zhao Xiaoling declined, "Grandpa, it really doesn't cost much. I have money, and my family often sends me money, just because I am afraid that it will be inconvenient for me to have no money outside. I can't even if I don't want it. I have saved a lot of money." gone."

Mr. Chen said: "Old man, if you want to give this money, I should give it to you. Don't join in the fun and collect your money! Don't let people hear about it and laugh at me, saying that you invite guests to have a few meals Still taking money, where do you want my old face to go?"

Mr. Ma poked his neck, "I don't just eat a few meals, I want to eat here for a long time, as long as Xiaoling cooks, I will come to eat, I paid the money in advance, lest you, an old man, say that I have a whole meal Come to your house every day to eat and drink."

"Look at you, you're talking as if I'm stingy, I think you're stingy, and you still keep it in your heart when you say a few words about you, are you slapping me in the face by giving this money to Xiaoling? ?”

 Sorry, I have something to do at home these few days, and it will be the third watch today.

(End of this chapter)

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