Chapter 415
415. Shock
Anyway, it was the weekend, so there was nothing wrong with going back, so Zhao Xiaoling and Lu Lei followed Jiang Guo to the park.

Talking and laughing, they walked near the park and met Liu Lihong and Jiang Tingting head-on.

Jiang Tingting gritted her teeth and said, "It's really a narrow road to Yuanjia, why do I always meet this annoying person every now and then?"

Liu Lihong stared at Zhao Xiaoling as if in a bewilderment.

It's really similar!
She and Ma Yuemei served in the army for three years, and then spent almost two years together day and night. She is very familiar with Ma Yuemei. The features, expressions and expressions on her face will come to life as soon as she closes her eyes. comes to mind.

But the face in front of her was real, as if time had flown back, and the old Ma Yuemei was standing in front of her vividly again.

If she hadn't seen Ma Yuemei dead and buried with her own eyes, she would definitely have taken the person in front of her as her.

Liu Lihong walked in front of Zhao Xiaoling involuntarily, her eyes were dull, but there was a gloomy and cold light like a poisonous snake.

Zhao Xiaoling looked at her fearlessly, but she wanted to see, what is this Liu Lihong doing?How dare she?
Jiang Guo rushed to Zhao Xiaoling, stopped Zhao Xiaoling, and said coldly to Liu Lihong, "What are you doing?"

Jiang Guo's voice was pleasant, a deep and mellow voice, but cold, which made Liu Lihong startled and woke up instantly.

She has always been afraid of this stepson. Since he was a child, he has been calmer than his peers, and he is always quiet by himself, but you can't ignore his existence because of this. His occasional words will bring With a kind of coldness that sees through everything, she has been with him for almost 20 years, but she doesn't know him at all, and she can't figure him out. But at this moment, he has a kind of fear towards Zhao Xiaoling that she will be hurt. flustered.

The appearance of Zhao Xiaoling, just like the existence of Ma Yuemei back then, focused everyone's attention on her. Everyone liked her and loved her, so much so that Liu Lihong beside her didn't have any sense of existence at all. The same is true for Zhao Xiaoling now, the Chen family, the Ma family, and Jiang Guo all love her like an eyeball, and her own daughter is exactly the same as she was in the past. No chance with her.

"Liu Lihong, I warn you, stay away from Xiaoling, I won't allow you to hurt her even a single hair."

Although Jiang Guo had a cold attitude towards Liu Lihong before, but no matter how she is an elder, Jiang Guo was polite and considerate to her, she would not yell at her so harshly, and even gave her a warning, no matter how unwelcoming she was, she would also yell politely Auntie, but now, because of Zhao Xiaoling, he is so nervous.

Liu Lihong sneered, "I didn't treat her very much, but I just took a look at her to see what she looks like and why she wins people's hearts so much."

"Because she is good enough herself, she doesn't need to deliberately win over people's hearts, and people's hearts will naturally turn to her."

Jiang Guo's words made Liu Lihong's heart tremble, yes!At the beginning, Ma Yuemei lived freely and didn't need to deliberately please anyone, but she was able to be liked by many people.

And she, Liu Lihong, tried her best to please many people, but she was still unpopular in the end.

For example, she treated the Ma family, Jiang Xiaodong and Jiang Guo.For more than ten years, they have been cautious and walking on thin ice, but they can't get a sincere smile from them.

(End of this chapter)

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