Chapter 416 416. Difficulty
416. Embarrassment
Liu Lihong immediately said: "Yes, I was wrong, and I have no bad intentions, just curious...yes...curious."

Jiang Tingting was very dissatisfied with her mother's flattering appearance, "Mom, why are you doing this? Jiang Guo is a white-eyed wolf. You have treated him well for so many years. He doesn't appreciate it at all, and he doesn't know what to do. Such a bitch, he still threatens you like this."

Jiang Guo glanced at Jiang Tingting coldly, "It's embarrassing to have a younger sister like you, she's so stupid and unaware, I also warn you, Zhao Xiaoling is my friend, I won't allow you to hurt her."

"Jiang Guo, you're just a foodie. For a vixen, you actually said such things to your mother and sister. Could it be that you were also bewitched by this vixen?"

Jiang Guo said: "She is not my mother. My mother died long ago. As for you, if I had a choice, I would rather not have a sister like you. I warn you again, you are not allowed to say Xiaoling like this, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Both Liu Lihong and Jiang Tingting turned pale with anger.

Jiang Guo said to Zhao Xiaoling and the others: "Let's go."

Zhao Xiaoling and the others walked away, and Liu Lihong turned to Jiang Guo's back and said, "You really are an unfamiliar wolf!"

Jiang Tingting was so angry that she jumped on her feet and cursed, "Zhao Xiaoling, whore, whore, whore, who seduced my Yifan brother, and now my brother is also seduced. Jiang Guo, you are a wolf-hearted person."

Liu Lihong hugged her daughter distressedly, "Tingting, don't be angry, you still have your mother, let's have a good time together."

Jiang Tingting pushed Liu Lihong away, "You are not my real mother. If my real mother was here, Jiang Guo would definitely not treat my own sister like this. He must have seen me getting close to your stepmother, so she treated me like this .”

Liu Lihong was taken aback, and said heartbroken: "Tingting, I am your real mother!"

"Nonsense, you're a liar. You used to tell me this when I was a child, and I believed it. But then I realized that you are not my real mother at all. My real mother died long ago. She is your good friend. I really believe it." Want to know about her, tell me, tell me what kind of person she is?"

Liu Lihong didn't want to mention Ma Yuemei at all, and Ma Yuemei was not Tingting's biological mother, she was her biological mother, but she couldn't tell her daughter the truth.

But her daughter who was kept in the dark often asked her to tell about Ma Yuemei. She regarded Ma Yuemei as her biological mother. Liu Lihong had mixed feelings in her heart and didn't know what to say.

"Say it! Why do you always avoid this question?"

"Tingting, you... Mom... is a beautiful and kind woman, but when she gave birth to you, because of an accident at home, that is, an accident happened to your father, she was frightened and gave birth prematurely, and her body was very weak. , has been intermittently not good, and finally passed away young."

"I don't want to hear this. I know it all. You have said it many times. I want to hear things that I haven't heard of."

Liu Lihong sighed, she had lived in Ma Yuemei's shadow all her life. Although Jiang Xiaodong became husband and wife with her, she still had Ma Yuemei in her heart and never forgot her. Jiang Guo also only had his biological mother in his heart.

The Ma family is even more worried about this dead daughter. For more than ten years, no matter how hard she Liu Lihong tried, she could not compete with a dead person. Now there is another Zhao Xiaoling. She is already two adults.

(End of this chapter)

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