Chapter 424 424. Doubt

424. Doubt

Finally, Jiang Guo found a photo of her mother when she was young in a thick book in the drawer of her father's desk.

In the lower corner of the photo there is the words "taken in May 1955".

The mother in the photo seems to be about seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing a military uniform, with two thick black braids hanging on her chest.

She smiled slightly, her eyes were clear, her nose was small and straight, and her thin lips were slightly pursed.

It really looks exactly like Zhao Xiaoling.

Not only the facial features, but also the demeanor.

Jiang Guo carefully wrapped her mother's photo in a piece of paper, put it in her arms, left home, and went straight to grandpa's house.

As soon as he entered grandpa's house, Jiang Guo took out the photo and said, "Grandpa, look, my mother's photo really looks like Zhao Xiaoling."

The old man took the photo, put on his glasses, and looked at it carefully.

"This is a photo your mother took when she first joined the army, and your father still keeps it."

Zhang Lin also came over to take a look, "A real person's portrait is more similar to a photo. If you don't tell the truth, people may believe that this is Zhao Xiaoling's photo."

"Grandpa, could this Zhao Xiaoling be my sister!" Jiang Guo finally said what everyone doubted.

"I once had such a guess, but back then your mother said that she and Liu Lihong went to see the buried child in person, and it was indeed your sister."

"Could it be a mistake! Didn't you say that when the mother and the others went, the child had been buried for many days?"

"It's not wrong, your sister has a special mark on her body, that is, there is a heart-shaped birthmark on her arm. Even though she has been buried for a few days, the birthmark can still be seen."

"However, if there is no blood relationship, how can two people look so similar? There is no such coincidence in this world, right?"

"I went to school yesterday to find Zhao Xiaoling and asked her about her family. She had her own parents. After her parents passed away, her aunt and grandparents raised her and treated her very well."

"What if her adoptive parents deliberately concealed her identity? She herself has no idea that she was not born to her parents."

"I heard that her parents died a long time ago. If this is the case, it seems that there is no need to hide her origin! And I heard that Zhao Xiaoling's family is in Nan County, and the place where your sister died is called Ning County. They are two different places. , if your sister is still alive and is adopted, it can only be adopted by people from Ning County, how could she end up in Nan County?"

Jiang Guo didn't give up, "But, Zhao Xiaoling and my mother look so similar, if they have no relationship, why are they so similar? It doesn't make sense! Anyway, I don't believe there is no relationship between them."

"I'm also very skeptical, and I hope that Zhao Xiaoling is your sister, and that your sister is still alive, but just because she looks like her, there is no proof!"

"Back then, my mother and Liu Lihong went to check the body in person. Are you really sure that my sister died?"

"Yes! We were in the Northern Military Region at that time. When we heard the news and arrived, your mother was dying in the Ning County Hospital. The doctor said that because she had been hit too hard, she couldn't get sick. Liu Lihong also told us, saying Your mother went with her to examine the child's body in person, to be sure, and she took us to the child's grave to see."

(End of this chapter)

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