Chapter 425 425. Doubt

425. Doubt

"This is what Liu Lihong said alone. Have you asked my mother if she also went to see it herself?"

"That's not true. Your mother was very weak at that time, and her mental state was not good. We were afraid of irritating her again, so we didn't mention this matter in front of her."

"That is to say, only Liu Lihong knows about this matter? Maybe my mother went to Ning County and heard that my sister was killed and buried. She was weak and couldn't hold on and collapsed at that time! The so-called seeing the corpse , It’s just that Liu Lihong has gone, who knows whether Liu Lihong has gone or not? What if she didn’t go but said she did?”

Mr. Ma said in surprise: "You mean, at that time, your mother might not be able to go at all, and Liu Lihong went alone, but it's not certain whether she really went to see it or not?"

"Yeah! Liu Lihong's words alone are not very credible. I know better than anyone what kind of person Liu Lihong is. It is impossible for her to check a buried body that has been dead for many days by herself. Da, even though this matter is very important to her good friend, she is a selfish person, and she will always put her own interests first."

"Yeah! At that time we were not with your mother, only Liu Lihong was with her. Because of this, we have always been grateful to Liu Lihong, so although we couldn't understand her many ways over the years, we didn't think much about it. After all, we owe She loves her so much. As long as she doesn't go too far, we'll just turn a blind eye."

"Liu Lihong didn't go to check the corpse. On the one hand, she is not a person who can sincerely think about others and do things for others. Anyway, based on what I know about Liu Lihong, it is absolutely impossible for her to do this disgusting thing of digging up the grave to check the corpse by herself. The other thing is that she lied that my sister was indeed dead, so she had the opportunity to send her daughter to Jiang's family! I heard that she was just a temporary worker in the hospital before, so it would be difficult to support her daughter! She put The daughter is raised in Jiang's family, so it is of no harm to her daughter."

Jiang Guo stood up and said, "No, I'll go to Zhao Xiaoling and ask her about her background, or she doesn't want to tell others about her real identity!"

Jiang Guo hurried away.

Mr. Ma sat alone at home for a long time. After thinking about it, he decided to go to Chen's house to find out.

For a grandson of a family like the Chen family to find a partner, although they don't necessarily have to pay attention to the right family, but at least, the family should be clean and innocent!Therefore, the family situation of the other party should be basically understood.

Mr. Ma went to Chen's house and knocked on the door, and the orderly opened the door, knowing that Mr. Ma usually came to play chess with his own master.

He reminded: "Grandpa Chen is taking a nap! You wait in the living room for a while."

Mr. Ma said loudly: "It's already afternoon, and I'm still sleeping. If I sleep too much, I won't be able to fall asleep again at night."

With that said, he went directly to the living room.

The orderly made tea for Mr. Ma, and Mr. Chen came out.

"Old man, why do you like my place so much! Running twice a day will make you more and more energetic."

Mr. Ma said seriously: "I came to your house today because I have something important to say."

Mr. Chen sat across from him with a smile, "You and I are just messing about every day now, what else is there to do?"

Mr. Ma said to the orderly: "You, avoid it for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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