Chapter 429 429. Rejection
429. Reject
Good fortune makes people, this word is used on others, it is just a story, used on oneself, it is an accident, an accident that changes the fate of a person or even a family.

Jiang Guo stared at Zhao Xiaoling and said, "Xiaoling, I heard that my sister has a red heart-shaped birthmark on her left arm. Do you also have such a birthmark on your arm?"

Zhao Xiaoling hugged her arm in surprise.

She did have such a birthmark on her body, a red heart-shaped birthmark.

Jiang Guo saw that Zhao Xiaoling was silent with her arms folded, and said, "Xiaoling, you said before that your parents died long ago, so you must not remember them? Or you don't know if they are really dead. It's just someone else telling you, but you don't know the truth."

Zhao Xiaoling didn't know how to tell Jiang Guo about her life experience. If what Jiang Guo said was true, then she really might be the daughter of the Jiang family.

There are so many similarities, such as Ning County, the earthquake, the eight-month-old girl, the birthmark on the arm, and the similar appearance, all of which clearly show that she is the daughter of the Jiang family.

After the earthquake that year, her aunt and her rescue team mistakenly thought that the people who were buried with her under the rubble were her relatives. The aunt thought that she had lost all her relatives and became an orphan, so she hugged her Go back to raise.

The Jiang family, however, was fooled by that Liu Lihong who had ulterior motives, thinking that their daughter died in that earthquake, but raised Liu Lihong's daughter as the daughter of the Jiang family.

What Zhao Xiaoling couldn't accept was that Jiang Xiaodong married that vain and selfish Liu Lihong.

Both the Jiang family and the Ma family are smart people, but they were fooled around by such a vulgar woman.

Over the years, they have never thought about whether the words of a woman like Liu Lihong are credible?

The life and death of her own daughter was decided by a single sentence from a woman with ulterior motives.

If she hadn't come in front of them, and she didn't look like Ma Yuemei, they would never doubt that their daughter was still alive.

Thinking of her previous life, because of her background, her aunt was misunderstood by her wicked mother-in-law, her family was torn apart, her family was destroyed, and she herself was lonely and helpless, and her life was miserable.

In this life, through her own efforts, she can make herself and her aunt's family live well, and there is no need to recognize her relatives again.

She didn't know if Chen Yifan ended up with Jiang Tingting in her previous life, but she felt very uncomfortable when she thought of this possibility.

Therefore, she didn't want to recognize this relative. Her biological mother had already passed away, and her father married another woman, and even recognized someone else's daughter as his daughter. Why would she recognize her?Are you going to recognize Liu Lihong as a stepmother?Going to face Liu Lihong's mother and daughter every day?

Jiang Guo looked at Zhao Xiaoling's tightly hugging arms.

"Xiao Ling, you have a birthmark on your arm, don't you? You are my sister, aren't you?"

Zhao Xiaoling shook her head, "No, I'm not your sister. I don't have any birthmarks on my arms. You made a mistake. Although my parents died when I was very young, I am their own. My aunt and I They look very similar, and it is normal for a niece to look like an aunt. And your mother and I look alike, it's purely a coincidence."

(End of this chapter)

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