Chapter 430 430. Rejection
430. Reject
"I don't believe it, you are my sister. The first time I saw you, I had a feeling of déjà vu on you, which made me want to get close to you involuntarily. Now I know, because you have the same feelings as my mother. She has the same features in her body. Although she has been away from me for many years, the warm memory of her when I was a child has always remained in my mind. This memory, since I met you, has been in your heart again reappear."

Jiang Guo's words made Zhao Xiaoling's eyes moist. This brother, like her, has lost the mother who loves him the most in the world. Although he has his father by his side, although he has no worries about food and clothing, he has a stepmother like Liu Lihong and a sister like Jiang Tingting. Are you not happy?

They are brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters. Since childhood, she also wanted to have such a brother who would love her and love her. She wanted such a brother even in her dreams. Now, she really has such a brother. She should recognize him Yes, but while recognizing him, she also had to accept the fact that she was the daughter of the Jiang family. Except for Jiang Guo, she didn't want to recognize anyone else in the Jiang family.

From her previous life until her death, she didn't know that she still had relatives in this world, and they didn't come to her. Now, she doesn't need to recognize them.

Especially Jiang Xiaodong, she couldn't accept that he married a woman like Liu Lihong.

Why does he value this woman so much that he doesn't even know how dereliction of duty he must be as a husband and father when his daughter is living abroad.

"I'm sorry, Jiang Guo, I'm not your sister, really not, this is just an illusion of yours."

Jiang Guo stepped forward, "Let me look at your arm, there must be a heart-shaped birthmark on your arm."

Zhao Xiaoling shrank her body, "No, there is no birthmark."

"Let me see." Jiang Guo came up and pulled Zhao Xiaoling's left hand after speaking.

Zhao Xiaoling jumped up and shook him off, "What are you doing?"

"Let me see if you have a birthmark on your arm."

"Don't you know whether men and women give or take kisses?"

"You are my sister, I just have to see what's wrong with your arm?"

"I'm not your sister, your sister is at your house." Zhao Xiaoling stood up and ran away.

Jiang Guo looked at Zhao Xiaoling who ran away, feeling very disappointed.

Her reaction told him that she was his sister, but why didn't she admit it?
Jiang Guo returned to his grandfather's house dejectedly.

Ma Yuehua and Zhang Lin were there, as well as Ma Yong. Mr. Ma called them all back.

They all looked anxious. When they saw Jiang Guo, they all gathered around and said, "What did Zhao Xiaoling say? Does her background match your sister's?"

Jiang Guo shook her head, "She doesn't admit that she is the Jiang family's daughter, but I know she is."

Mr. Ma said anxiously: "Didn't you tell her everything clearly? Also, your sister has a birthmark on her left arm. "

"I said it and told her everything, when I told her my sister had a birthmark on her arm, she hugged her arm tightly, I knew she must have a birthmark on her arm, but she just wouldn't Admit it. I don't understand why she doesn't want to admit it?"

Zhang Lindao: "She must have experienced many hardships and suffered a lot of grievances over the years. Think about it, she lives in such a remote and backward place, her parents died early, and her grandparents raised her up. It's not easy!"

(End of this chapter)

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