Chapter 801 801. The Enemy
801. Enemy
That day, in order to thank Ding Lan for knitting him a sweater, Jiang Guo invited Zhao Xiaoling and the other three buddies to dinner.

After dinner, Jiang Guo asked Ding Lan to go for a walk alone.

His original intention was to make his mind clear to Ding Lan so as not to delay her.

But Ding Lan mistakenly thought that Jiang Guo was finally interested in her and wanted to tell her what she had been waiting for for a long time.

Looking at the back of Jiang Guo and Ding Lan walking away together, Zhao Xiaoling was a little worried, worried that after her brother spoke his mind, Ding Lan would not be able to bear it, and whether this would affect their future friendship.

But Lu Lei was amazed, "Xiaoling, I found that you really have the potential to be a matchmaker! You have brought your cousin and Lin Nan together perfectly, and now you have quickly married your brother and Ding Lan." nailed it."

"What! I was scolded by my brother, saying that I shouldn't get involved in his affairs. He said that he only treated Ding Lan as a younger sister. From now on, Ding Lan will be a relative of my family. My brother wants to settle things with Ding Lan. Make it clear, that's why I asked her out for a walk alone, I'm worried what Ding Lan will think when she hears my brother's explanation, will she blame me?"

Lu Lei also became worried when he heard this, "So that's how it is! Ding Lan likes your brother very much, she must be very shocked to be rejected!"

Jiang Guo and Ding Lan here are walking side by side, Jiang Guo wants to take her to a quiet place to talk.

But he heard a voice behind him shouting: "Jiang Guo!"

Jiang Guo and Ding Lan turned their heads together, followed by Qi Lu.

It's really a narrow road to Yuanjia, Jiang Guo thought.

Qi Lu looked at Ding Lan and pointed at her, "Aren't you Xiaoling's classmate?"

"Yes! We met, the day we had dinner at Xiaoling's house."

"How did you two get together?" Qi Lu asked displeased.

Jiang Guo has been pestered by Qi Lu too much these days, but she is the cousin of one of his business partners, so it's not easy to make it too shameless, and now she looks suspicious.

Jiang Guo said deliberately cryptically: "We just finished our meal and went out for a walk. Ding Lan and I still have something to talk about. Qi Lu, look..."

A look of jealousy appeared on Qi Lu's face, "You... what's the relationship?"

"It seems that our relationship has nothing to do with you!" Jiang Guo said vaguely.

"Jiang Guo, is it because of her that you rejected me?"

Jiang Guo was noncommittal.

Qi Lu looked Ding Lan up and down, Jiang Guo called Zhao Xiaoling and the others out of school temporarily, so Ding Lan was wearing an ordinary military uniform at this time, while Qi Lu was wearing a pink coat, which was very fashionable.

"What's so good about her? I'm no better than her. There's something wrong with your eyesight! Jiang Guo." Qi Lu was a little unconvinced, and a little out of breath.

Jiang Guo said angrily: "It doesn't matter how she looks in your eyes, but in my eyes, she is better than you in every way, and that's enough."

What Jiang Guo said was an indirect acknowledgment that he and Ding Lan were in a relationship, and that Ding Lan was better than Qi Lu.

Ding Lan felt sweet after hearing this, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth unconsciously.

Ding Lan's smile hurt Qi Lu, and Jiang Guo's words made her tremble with anger.

"Jiang Guo, you want to change when you see something different, you like the new and dislike the old, Chen Shimei!"

Qi Lu's voice was so loud that everyone on the road looked sideways.

Ding Lan said: "Qi Lu, you dress so beautifully and stylishly, but you don't behave elegantly at all. Do you think you're losing face to Jiang Guo and me by shouting so hysterically? If everyone gathers around to watch, we'll take you Tell me about Jiang Guo's stalking, maybe the parents of your students are among the onlookers! I'm afraid you don't have a good image as a people's teacher."

(End of this chapter)

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