Chapter 802 802. The Enemy
802. Enemy
Ding Lan's words did have some deterrent effect on Qilu. She looked nervously at the people who were looking at her. Fortunately, she didn't know anyone, but she might not remember some parents, so she still didn't dare to be careless.

Seeing the fearful expression on Qi Lu's face, Jiang Guo gave Ding Lan an appreciative glance. This girl who was docile in front of him never thought that she would hit a vital point as soon as she hit someone!He underestimated her before.

Encouraged by Jiang Guo, Ding Lan continued: "You are a girl and a teacher of the people. You should respect yourself. People have made it clear that they don't like you, and Jiang Guo already has a girlfriend. You are still pestering me like this. Is it interesting? Not only does it have no meaning, but it will only make people look down on it even more."

Jiang Guo said: "Qi Lu, I told you a long time ago that it is impossible for you and me, and we have never dated before. You said just now that I see differences and change, that I like the new and dislike the old. Chen Shimei, this is really not worthy of the name. This time I Seeing that your cousin doesn't care about you, but if you continue to act recklessly like this after today, I won't be polite. Anyway, I don't have a unit, and I don't care about my reputation. You are different. You are a girl. , you should cherish your reputation just like you cherish your eyes, and don't trample on it at will."

After Jiang Guo finished speaking, without even looking at Qi Lu, she gently tugged Ding Lan's sleeve and walked forward.

Qi Lu was so angry that she couldn't speak, her eyes were hot, and the tears finally couldn't help but flow down.

Seeing people on the side of the road casting curious eyes on her, Qi Lu quickly lowered her head and wiped away her tears and walked forward quickly.

Everything went smoothly for Qi Lu from childhood to adulthood. Her relatives and friends all said that she was good-looking and beautiful. Her cousin also wanted to match her with Jiang Guo on purpose. My cousin knew Jiang Guo’s family background and Jiang Guo’s family background. She said that if she could marry Jiang Guo, everything would go well in this life, and after she got in touch with Jiang Guo, she found that he exuded an irresistible charm, and she was deeply attracted by him.

She fell in love with him and couldn't help herself. Although Jiang Guo had clearly told her that he didn't like her, she still couldn't forget him. Except Jiang Guo, all the men around her were overshadowed, making her dismissive.

Therefore, she still involuntarily approached Jiang Guo time and time again, hoping that he would accept her again, but in Jiang Guo's eyes, she became a stalker who had no self-esteem.

And now, he actually has a girlfriend by his side. This shock made her say something like Chen Shimei, but being despised and threatened by both Ding Lan and Jiang Guo made Qi Lu even more sad, even desperate .

Before Jiang Guo didn't have a girlfriend, she still had some hope, but now he has a girlfriend, she has no hope at all, but she is not convinced!This Ding Lan is not as good as her at all.

Qi Lu was walking and thinking disheartenedly, when suddenly she saw Zhao Xiaoling, she and Lu Lei were sitting on a bench in the nearby park.

It's all because of Zhao Xiaoling, a girl who has lived in the countryside since she was a child, but instead of helping her, she went to help Ding Lan.

She, Qi Lu, has always lived surrounded by others, and has never humbled herself to anyone. For Jiang Guo, she once went to curry favor with Zhao Xiaoling, made her her own, and helped her chase Jiang Guo, but she refused indifferently. she.

But now, Zhao Xiaoling introduced her own friend to Jiang Guo.

(End of this chapter)

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