Chapter 803 803. The Enemy
803. Enemy
All Qi Lu's anger and resentment found a breakthrough, and she walked towards Zhao Xiaoling viciously.

Zhao Xiaoling and Lu Lei were not in a hurry to go back to school. They were afraid that Ding Lan would be hit and would be in a bad mood, so they waited for Jiang Guo and Ding Lan near the walk.

Originally, Zhao Xiaoling objected to her brother telling Ding Lan that he didn't like Ding Lan directly, and she only hoped to tell Ding Lan tactfully through herself, but Jiang Guo said, make it clear earlier, it's good for Ding Lan. He made a mistake about Qi Lu's matter, and he doesn't want that to happen to Ding Lan again.

Moreover, Jiang Guo felt that it was better for him to speak in person, so that Ding Lan could be less hurt. He felt that he was absolutely sure to communicate with Ding Lan and let her feel his city.

So Zhao Xiaoling could only rely on him.

Zhao Xiaoling and Lu Lei were waiting for them in the park.

Zhao Xiaoling was talking to Lu Lei with her head bowed, when Qi Lu walked towards them angrily.

Seeing that Qi Lu, who was walking towards them in a big red wool coat, had a strange look on her face, Zhao Xiaoling had a bad feeling in her heart.

"Zhao Xiaoling, you refused to be friends with me just because you wanted to introduce your own friends to your brother, didn't you?"

Zhao Xiaoling and Lu Lei looked at each other, and felt that this Qi Lu was too ridiculous. She must have seen her brother and Ding Lan walking together just now, so she was so jealous that she took her anger out on her.

Zhao Xiaoling smiled helplessly and said, "So what?"

"Zhao Xiaoling, are you saying a lot of bad things about me in front of your brother because your brother cares about you so much, that's why your brother doesn't like me? Otherwise, Ding Lan is inferior to me in everything, why would she be Your brother's girlfriend?"

"Qi Lu, just based on what you said just now, I know that you don't know my brother. My brother is a very independent person. Even my father can't change his mind about the people and things he looks for. , I’m just his sister, do you think he will obey me, if I tell him not to like anyone, he won’t like anyone, but if I tell him to like someone, he will like someone?”

"Even if he won't listen to you completely, but you are brothers and sisters, and you live together, no one can bear it when others always say that one person is bad and the other is good, and you will be affected to some extent. .”

"Why should I do this? He is my brother, I hope he is good, I hope he finds a good partner, someone he likes, who suits him, I may give him some advice, but I can't It will interfere with his choice, so no matter who he chooses in the end, it is his own decision, what does it have to do with me? You can't think that I am sowing discord between you because Ding Lan is my friend, and match him and Ding Lan Lan, he chose Ding Lan instead of you, it only means that he likes Ding Lan instead of you."

"You were jealous of me, and you were afraid that after I was with your brother, you would not be as good as me in every way, so you rejected me from the beginning, alienated the relationship between me and your brother, and then introduced the ordinary-looking Ding Lan to your brother. , in this way, you will be able to stand high forever and be favored by your brother forever, and Ding Lan will also be grateful to you for the rest of your life."

Zhao Xiaoling smiled helplessly and said to Lu Lei: "Lu Lei, did you hear that I am not as good as Qi Lu in every way, I am afraid that Qi Lu will steal my limelight and overwhelm me, so I sow discord between my brother and her."

(End of this chapter)

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