The Journey of the Sand Sculpture Spirit Master

Chapter 53 3 Little Ones Gathering

Chapter 53

"Le! Le!" Gu Le heard Ron calling him in a daze. He was half asleep and half awake. He glanced at Ron with dim eyes and said vaguely, "Good morning."

"Get up, get up! You forgot that we are going to catch the train!" Ron glared at Gu Le, and pulled Gu Le out of the bed.

Gu Le yawned and walked into the bathroom. After a few minutes of work, after washing, Gu Le was already radiant, much more awake, and changed into the college uniform robe.

After taking her luggage, Gu Le went downstairs to have breakfast.

"Oh boy, you look so handsome today, happy start of school, Le." Seeing that Gu Le walked to the dining table refreshed, Mo Li immediately kissed Gu Le's forehead affectionately, and then stroked his head , with undisguised love in his eyes, he said, "Come and eat quickly, we'll set off after eating."

"Mom, look how I'm doing today!?" Ron followed closely and walked around in front of Molly with a smug expression on his face.

Molly looked at him for a while, then nodded, "That's right. Let's eat quickly."

Then he turned back and went about his business.

Ron: "..."

Ding!Feeling a huge hurt in his heart early in the morning, Ron deeply suspected that he was picked up, and you got 34 sand sculpture points.

You don't understand the world of wizards. Ron's small car is like a Wuling Hongguang. How many people can fit in depends entirely on how many people want to go in. At the same time, it can also carry a lot of luggage.

Gu Le was in a mess and was squeezed all the way by the Weasley brothers. When he got to the train platform, Gu Le got out of the car, feeling that his whole body was about to be squeezed out of shape.

Led by Molly and the twin brothers, they stopped in front of a concrete pillar on the platform. After the twin brothers punched each other, they pushed the trailer and sprinted towards the concrete pillar in front of them one after another.

It's strange that the people around didn't seem to notice this vision, they were still busy with the things at hand.

Just when Gu Le and Ron were about to rush in, a timid voice rang in their ears, "That... May I ask that platform [-] and three quarters entered from here?"

Gu Le looked over and saw a young lady wearing round-frame glasses, who seemed to be a little malnourished. He didn't look strong, but very thin.

"Oh, kid, I think it's your first time here, it's okay, you just watch what they do, just follow along, don't be afraid, just go ahead." Molly saw this A timid child, obviously a mother's love is overflowing, she stepped forward to caress the back of the little Zhengtai, and said kindly.

Seemingly moved by Mo Li's enthusiasm and kindness, Xiao Zhengtai obviously became less nervous.

"Then I'll be leaving first, Mom, Ginny, see you later." Ron turned his head and smiled at Molly and his sister Jenny, then pushed the trailer and rushed towards the concrete pillar.

"Then it's up to me." Gu Le grinned, and he also rushed in pushing the trailer, and his figure quickly disappeared into the wall.

Encouraged by Molly and Jenny, this nervous little bespectacled boy mustered up his courage, closed his eyes tightly, and rushed towards the wall in front of him.


It felt like the surrounding was dark, but it quickly became brighter. When I opened my eyes again, I felt that I was in another world.

Push the luggage and other things to the designated location, and there will be goblins to help organize them. Gu Le and Ron will get on the car and look for a box with vacant seats to sit down.

When his buttocks sat on the chair in the box, Ron breathed a sigh of relief, and finally felt like a big rock fell to the ground, he smiled at Gu Le: "Now I feel comfortable, I don't have to listen to my mother's nagging, I can live independently! "

"Hehe, I will help Aunt Molly write down this first." Gu Le said with a smile.

"Hey, don't!" Ron was shocked and begged quickly.

After hearing the sound of the sand sculpture being worth his hands, Gu Le laughed and said, "Just kidding, when did you see me report to Aunt Molly, who would be so old-fashioned and narrow-minded except Percy."

"Hey." Ron scratched his head in embarrassment, "You always give people the feeling that you are always ready to do bad things."

"So that's how you look at me, so it seems that I still need to tell Aunt Molly."

"Hey, hey, don't, don't, I'm just joking..."

Gu Le was busy brushing Ron's sand sculpture energy, but there was a knock on the door of the box on one side, and the glasses girl with middle-length hair opened a little gap, showing a kind and shy smile, "That... I can come in ?"

"Of course, sit down quickly." Ron said happily and generously.

Xiao Zhengtai was overjoyed when he heard the words, and chose to sit next to Gu Le.

As soon as Mrs. Xiaozheng sat down, Ron introduced himself impatiently: "My name is Ron, Ron Weasley, this is a good brother who lives in my house, Gu Le, he is from the East, and Gu is his surname." oh."

Gu Le smiled helplessly, "Ron, you have said everything I want to say." Seeing Ron's indifferent appearance, Gu Le looked at Xiao Zhengtai and said, "As he said Yan, nice to meet you."

"Hello, my name is Harry Potter." Mrs. Xiao Zheng thought the two were very interesting, and Ron gave him a very friendly feeling, and his mood relaxed a lot. "Nice to meet you."

Hearing the name of the other party, Ron was shocked and exclaimed: "You are Harry Potter, that legendary existence, wow, do you have that on your head..."

"Jie Scar." Gu Le reminded solemnly.

Ron: "..."

Harry: "..."

ring scar?Monk!

Harry sweated slightly, and raised his bangs, revealing the lightning-shaped scar, "It's not the ring scar, it should refer to this lightning-shaped scar, which I have had since I was a child."

Seeing this lightning-shaped scar, Gu Le subconsciously touched his left chest and scratched it.

In fact, ever since he swallowed one of Voldemort's Horcruxes, he had an indelible lightning-shaped scar on his left chest. According to the description of Thief, this thing is the appearance of "Voldemort's mark".

Harry, who was one of Voldemort's Horcruxes, seemed to feel something from Gule at this time, and suddenly felt that Gule was a little close to him for no reason.

dong dong dong.

There was a knock on the door of the box, and a benevolent old woman passed by pushing a cart full of snacks and toys. After opening the door, she smiled and asked, "Children, what do you need to buy? We have everything you need."

"Wow, it's a snack!" Ron and the young Harry's eyes lit up when they saw this, but Ron soon became depressed. As a poor man with no money, he said sullenly , "Ah... I still don't need it anymore, I brought this from home."

Gu Le's mouth twitched when he saw that thing. This is the oil horn he made, a traditional snack of the Hakkas in Guangdong Province and even the people of Chaozhou and Shantou in the past.

In the world of Harry Potter where dark snacks are everywhere, Gu Le felt that he made this thing for the benefit of the people. When he showed such a skill, some members of the Weasley family almost cried because they were afraid I will never eat such delicious food again.

As soon as the fresh-keeping bag was opened, the scent of lard and nuts such as peanuts and nuts came out faintly. Harry swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and Ron started to smack his mouth greedily.

Seeing this scene, the old woman selling snacks also knew that she was redundant, she smiled understandingly, and said, "If you don't need it, then I'm sorry to bother you, if you need snacks, you can call me anytime. "

After that, he helped to close the door of the box.

Seeing that Ron was already eating an oil horn, Harry couldn't help asking, "What is this? It smells so good."

"It's lard and jasmine. I added lard and jasmine." Gu Le suddenly explained seriously.

"Le, did you do this? You are amazing." Harry praised.

"Hey, let's eat together, Harry, this is indeed made by Le himself, it's delicious." Ron pointed the mouth of the bag at Harry, and smiled.

In this way, a sharing of snacks narrowed the spiritual distance between the three of them, their speech was no longer so unfamiliar, their posture was no longer correct, and they could be as comfortable as they wanted.

Under the influence of Gu Le's demonic Ge You's lying posture, the other two teenagers in this box also followed Ge You.

Hermione standing outside the door at this time: "..."

Why do you have the feeling of seeing three useless people?
knock knock!

However, Hermione had no choice, and the only room left was this box. She knocked on the door helplessly, cleared her throat and said, "Excuse me, can I sit in?"

"Of course." Seeing that it was a girl, Harry and Ron immediately sat up straight, making room enough for people to sit down.

And ancient music is still magical and comfortable life.jpg.

At the beginning, Hermione was just a little lady who followed the rules, paid more attention to decency, and pursued perfection. After she sat down, she cleared her throat and introduced herself.

She didn't shy away from saying that she came from the Granger family, which was a typical family with a continuous generation of magic. Her parents were Muggles who couldn't do magic.

Although she said it lightly, Gu Le has so much mental power. She keenly captured the tension in Hermione's little loli's eyes. Obviously she still cares about this. If possible, she doesn't want to hear people say that her family It's not good.

Fortunately, no one in the box she was in cared about such things as blood, and Hermione's mood became more and more cheerful.

Knowing that the lady with glasses sitting opposite her was the famous Harry Potter, Hermione was obviously quite surprised and curious.

Although I don't know why Hermione is not like the original book, she found Harry and the others because she asked about the whereabouts of Neville's pet Raffle in the same box.However, small changes are irrelevant.

Gu Le always kept Ge You lying down, with a smile all the way, looked at the three people in front of him, and thought, "These three ready-made fat sheep..."

 Please collect, tickets or something~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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