The Journey of the Sand Sculpture Spirit Master

Chapter 54 The Tangled Sorting Hat

Chapter 54 The Tangled Sorting Hat
After a chat that was not too long but not too short, it was finally time for the group of students who boarded the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry train to get off.

The goblins will take and pack the luggage, and the students can report and do their own things first.

Gu Le and the three little ones entered Hogwarts with the large troop led by the tall Hagrid, boarded the boat, and then entered the hall stairs together.

Along the way, Gu Le saw the moving portraits that he could see in movies in his previous life, translucent ghosts that could pass through walls... and mysterious moving stairs.

Before entering the hall, Vice President Minerva McGonagall stood at the stairway leading to the door of the hall, and stood in front of the group of freshmen. Her serious and dignified face made all the newcomers feel ashamed. Don't dare to make any more noise.

When Minerva glanced at little Harry standing in the front row, there was a trace of tenderness in her eyes, but it quickly disappeared, and she continued, "In a moment, you will go through this door to the lobby, and you will meet with other students. Gather together, but before you sit down, the school will sort you out.

The faculties are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff (also known as Hufflepuff), Ravenclaw and Slytherin.From now on, the academy is your home, and your outstanding performance can add points to your academy, and in contrast, your violations will also subtract points from your academy.

At the end of each year, the academy with the highest total score will win a trophy..."


"Oh! Leffe!" A chubby-looking little fat man suddenly rushed away from the crowd and picked up the little frog that jumped to Minerva's feet.

When he picked up the frog, before he could maintain the joy of finding it again, he felt the strange eyes of the people looking at him. Immediately, the young Neville began to be timid, and looked at Minerva McGonagall timidly.

The corner of Minerva's mouth twitched. In fact, she loves children and students very much in her heart. She only smiles from the bottom of her heart at this scene, but she is the vice president and a professor after all. She has to have her style. And it is necessary to maintain the serious personality she has developed over the years.

She coughed lightly, deliberately ignored his mistake, turned around and left to open the door for everyone.Seeing that Minerva didn't blame him, Neville felt as if he had been pardoned, and hurried back to his place with his pet frog in his hand.

Seeing Neville's silly appearance, Ron couldn't help being amused, and laughed without saying a word.

"It seems that the rumors on the train are true." During the time when everyone was waiting, a young lady with hair combed very fashionable suddenly stared at Harry and spoke, with an unruly and arrogant look on his face. With a haughty look, he walked towards Harry, "Harry Potter has also come to Hogwarts."

Hearing this, all the freshmen looked at Harry Potter with shock and excitement, this is a legendary existence to them.

After all, Harry's parents participated in the war against the Dark Lord (Voldemort) and repelled it three times, and even heard that Harry had a huge amount of magic power when he was born, and they also repelled Voldemort. The lightning-shaped scar with the breath of black magic is the best proof.

"This is Crabbe and Goyle." Draco Malfoy introduced his two followers, and then stared at Harry with proud eyes, "I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

"Pfft..." Both Ron and Gu Le suddenly laughed. The laughter made Draco very embarrassed. He stared at Gu Le and then at Ron.

The reason for laughing is very simple. Gu Le and Ron once talked about the Malfoy family when chatting. The pronunciation of Malfoy can be translated as horse manure in Chinese, which made Ron very interesting.

Now that Draco himself said it, Ron naturally laughed out loud.

Drake saw that Gu Le was a yellow man with black hair and black eyes, and it was difficult to identify his blood origin, but Ron could.

Draco looked directly at Ron, and said fiercely: "What? Do you think my name is funny? Don't think I don't know who you are, with red hair and shabby robes, you look like you are from the Weasley family .”

Then he looked at Harry, curled one corner of his mouth, and continued, "There are high and low bloodlines, you have to learn to distinguish between good and bad, how about it? Want to be friends with me, Harry."

Harry's eyes have turned cold. He has been under the influence of others since he was a child, and he is not welcomed by others. What he hates the most is this kind of arrogant character. Instead of reaching out to make friends with Drake, he said coldly: "Thank you for your advice .But I think, I have the ability to tell the good from the bad."

"Okay children, we can go in." Just when Draco was furious and wanted to communicate with Harry further, Minerva arrived first, and just stopped the continuation of the conflict.

Entering the lobby, you will see bright lights, a ceiling like a real sky, candles floating in the air, and students sitting around four long tables.

The students sitting at the four long tables happened to be from four different departments, and they all looked eagerly at the new freshmen, because there would definitely be their descendants in this batch of freshmen.

On the few steps at the end of the hall, there are still professors and deans of the college sitting. Among them, the tall, thin old man with a thick beard hanging down to his chest is the dean——Albus Dumbledore .

Several tables on both sides of Dumbledore were occupied by tutors and professors from each house. Among them, Gu Le noticed that Quirrell was sitting next to Snape, with several thick cloth wrapped around his head, which looked like Ah San's headdress.

Quirrell seemed to be cowering and nervous, but his eyes were indeed extremely sharp in Gu Le's spiritual insight, and his eyes were firmly locked on Harry.Then he was suddenly taken aback, and looked at the crowd of freshmen with some horror, guessing that Voldemort should have sensed the existence of Gu Le.

There is a high stool a few steps away from the dean's desk, and the sorting hat that Gu Le is familiar with is placed on the stool.

Minerva climbed the steps, condescendingly, and said to the freshmen following behind, "You guys stop here. Before we start, our Headmaster Dumbledore has a few words to say to you."

Hearing the sound, Dumbledore, wearing a wizard hat, stood up, but the gray-haired man still gave people a very spiritual feeling. He looked at the freshmen lovingly, and said, "I want to announce a few new things. Things that must be paid attention to during the semester, first-year freshmen, please pay attention, you are not allowed to enter the forbidden forest.

In addition, our administrator, Mr. Filch, asked me to remind everyone that if you don't want to die miserably, you should not enter the corridor on the right hand side of the third floor... Thank you. "

After Dumbledore finished speaking, Minerva took out a roll of parchment full of names from the sleeve of her robe, and said, "Next, I will call a person's name, and I will come up and put on this sorting hat, and it will tell The academy you are going to."

"Hannah Abbott!"

As soon as the words fell, someone in the crowd looked at a little girl with a surprised face. She had a ruddy complexion and two golden braids. She was also very cute.

She was taller among the girls. She walked out from the crowd and sat down on the high stool carefully. Minerva also put the sorting hat on Hannah's head.

As soon as it was put on the head, the wrinkled face of the sorting hat began to move, "Oh...the first lucky person this year is actually a cute little girl...let me see...let me see...honesty , beautiful quality. I've decided, I've decided."


As soon as the words fell, the students of Hufflepuff College immediately cheered and applauded excitedly. Hearing that, Hannah felt relieved, clutching her heartbeating chest with great joy, and went down the steps to the long table of the students of Hufflepuff College. there.

"Next, Hermione Granger!"

Hearing the sound, Hermione swallowed, a little nervous, she took a breath, and sat down on the stool bravely, and was put on the Sorting Hat.

"Okay, okay... Gryffindor!" The Sorting Hat brewed for a while, and then called out where Hermione was going.

Hermione was overjoyed when she heard that it was the school she wanted to go to, and stepped off the stage to meet the classmates of Gryffindor House who warmly welcomed her.

Minerva continued to read the name, and the following students continued to repeat what the previous classmate did.





Among them, Ron entered the Gryffindor House without any accident.

There were fewer and fewer freshmen who were still standing, and in the end there were only two unsorted students left.

They were Harry and Gule, the two children.

"Harry Potter." Minerva pronounced the name, and everyone's breath froze for a moment, and their eyes focused on Harry.

This is a living legend, and the academy he enters will definitely carry his halo.

What about ancient music?
Everyone didn't care.

Harry was very nervous. He stepped forward and sat down, accepting the thoughts of the Sorting Hat, and he kept begging: "Don't Slytherin, don't Slytherin..."

Because he heard that the big devil who had a great relationship with his life experience also came from this house, he had considerable resistance to Slytherin.

The Sorting Hat asked in confusion, "Are you sure you don't want Slytherin? Your talents are suitable for this place, are you sure? Are you really sure?"

Harry was still muttering "No, no, no."

"Okay, okay...Slytherin, Slytherin...Gryffindor!!" The Sorting Hat finally shouted out Harry's destination.

Harry was overwhelmed with surprise when he heard the words, jumped off the stage a few steps, gave Gu Le a high-five, and then sat down beside the familiar Ron.

Albus and Minerva couldn't help but smile a little at Harry's happy look.

Gryffindor is not bad either...

"Gu Le." Minerva quickly regained her concentration. She looked down at the last name on the list. She looked at the calm oriental boy with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

After all, the parents of a student like Gu Le are not from Europe and the United States, but from ancient China in the East. It is a bit special for such a person to come to Hogwarts to study.

Gu Le sat on the high stool, and then felt the sorting hat fall on his head.

As soon as the Sorting Hat fell off, the Sorting Hat suddenly tightened nervously, its wrinkled face became more wrinkled, and it murmured loudly:
"It's so strange...really very strange."

"It's been a long time since I've seen such a multi-talented child... Well, you should go to Slytherin? No, no, Hufflepuff is also good... Ravenclaw is also good, Gryffindor... Greg Lanffindor can also... No, no, how can it be so comprehensive?"

"Gryffindor!" Just as the Sorting Hat was still whispering, the little Gu Le under the Sorting Hat suddenly shouted imitating the accent of the Sorting Hat.

The Sorting Hat: "..."

All teachers and students: "..."

In front of everyone, Gu Le took off the sorting hat and put it on the high stool, then patted the hat and said, "You're welcome, you're welcome, it's just very common, and it helped you solve your headache .”

The Sorting Hat was stunned, with a tangled face, and said sullenly: "Then... then Gryffindor is Gryffindor... Actually, I want to say Hufflepuff.

After all, Hufflepuff is good at spells related to food..."

 Please collect, tickets or something...

(End of this chapter)

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