Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 101 Dating an ex-husband? 2

Chapter 101 Dating an ex-husband? 2
During the birthday dinner, Yan Yifeng booked the entire French restaurant and prepared the most romantic candlelight dinner, as well as a carload of roses and fireworks for her to see under the Eiffel Tower...

But what about her?
This damn woman actually cheated on him and dated her ex-husband?
Are you still hanging up on him now? !

very good! !
Yan Yifeng overturned the candlelight dinner he had prepared for her with one hand, but still couldn't let go of his anger, he ran outside the door and destroyed the cart of roses...

However, I still can't get rid of the anger in my heart!

When did Yan Yifeng do these things for a woman?Damn it, that woman Jie Yiyi is too clueless! !

After taking a shower and coming out, Jie Yiyi wiped the water droplets on her hair with a towel. At this time, Yu Shaofan had already finished washing and came out, sitting on the sofa and waiting.

Seeing her come out, he got up gracefully, walked over with strides, reached out to take the towel for her, and smiled, "I'll help you."

Jie Yiyi stopped wiping her hair, and suddenly thought of the scene when Yan Yifeng was blowing her hair. Her heart twitched slightly, and a strange feeling spread from her heart.

After a while, she came back to her senses and politely refused, "I can do it myself."

Yu Shaofan's smile froze on his lips, "Yiyi, you've changed."

In the past, no matter what he did, she would never refuse, but now, he felt that the distance between them had suddenly opened up.

"What I didn't do for you before, I don't even have a chance to make up for it now."

Yu Shaofan sneered, withdrew his hand, and handed her the hair dryer from the drawer.

Jie Yiyi bit her lip tightly, not knowing how to explain it, so she just kept silent.

She can't rely on him for everything, it will only increase the pain for each other.

After drying his hair, Yu Shaofan stood on the balcony and watched the stars with Jie Yiyi for a while, and it was time to sleep.

"Yiyi, do you know?" Yu Shaofan's voice broke the silence of the night.

"..." Jie Yiyi turned her face to look at his hesitant side face.

"My mother forced me to marry..."

"Huh?" Yu Shaofan's words made Jie Yiyi's chest tighten, he could imagine Yu Shaofan wearing a white suit and holding the bride into the auditorium...

"Then... will you tie?" Even though Jie Yiyi knew that she was not qualified to ask, she still couldn't help asking.

Yu Shaofan looked into the distance, with many emotions flickering in his eyes, very complex, helpless, unwilling, repeated over and over again, Jie Yiyi couldn't understand it, and at the same time couldn't figure it out...

The two were silent for a moment, and Jie Yiyi smiled and said, "Shaofan, actually you don't have to take care of me... I insisted on retiring from the original marriage..."

Yu Shaofan was still silent, he pulled her and hugged her for a while, "Yiyi, let's go to sleep!"

He avoided her words, he was still unwilling to give up Yiyi to another man.

Yu Shaofan ignored Jie Yiyi's resistance and hugged her to the bed, then covered her with the quilt, left a kiss on her forehead, and then left the room.

Jie Yiyi looked at his leaving back, and her nose suddenly became sore. Seeing his lost and thin back made her feel very sad.

Shaofan, will he get married?

If he really got married, who would his partner be?

Shaofan's family is so rich, the aunt must be very picky in picking a partner, anyway, it's better than...

Ah!What is she worried about?
Shaofan's conditions are so good, there are many women who are willing to be with him, if one day, he really gets married, she will smile and bless him.

(End of this chapter)

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