Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 102 Don't Leave Me

Chapter 102 Don't Leave Me

That night, Jie Yiyi tossed and turned and still couldn't sleep, her mind kept thinking about the scene of herself holding hands with Yu Shaofan and strolling in the sea of ​​flowers.

The feeling at that time was really wonderful and very happy.

The night was about to pass, but she still didn't feel any sleepiness. In fact, she really wanted to go for a walk on the beach alone, but she was afraid that this would wake Yu Shaofan up, so she held back.

I don't know how long it took before Jie Yiyi gradually sank into a dream.

in a dream.He dreamed that Yan Yifeng chopped off Yu Shaofan's two hands, because she didn't return last night, he was very angry, no matter how much she begged... Yan Yifeng would ignore her.

She insisted on disabling his two hands. She cried so sadly and was also very scared. She saw those two bloody hands.

Yan Yifeng left Yu Shaofan here alone, and he let many dogs in. Yu Shaofan's body was bitten to rot, and finally thrown into the sea...

"Don't...don't do this to him. I beg you."

Jie Yiyi was in her sleep, crying and begging.

"Shaofan, calm down, I won't let you die, Shaofan, open your eyes and look at me..."

"Yiyi...what's the matter with you?"

Yu Shaofan just came in after getting ready for breakfast, when he heard Jie Yiyi's words in his sleep, he walked in immediately.

Seeing that Jie Yiyi was covered in cold sweat, he held her in his arms, stroked her hair gently, and comforted her, "Yiyi, don't be afraid, this is just a dream, don't be afraid."

Jie Yiyi frowned tightly, holding Yu Shaofan's sleeves tightly with both hands, "Shaofan, don't leave me."

Yu Shaofan wiped the sweat off her forehead with a tissue, "Yiyi, good boy, if you don't leave me, I will never leave you for the rest of my life."

Wiping off the sweat for her, Yu Shaofan looked at her pink lips, couldn't help but bowed his head and kissed her.

He kissed lightly, for fear of waking her up. A familiar and strange smell kept coming from his nose. Jie Yiyi suddenly became sober, and pushed Yu Shaofan away, "Yan Yifeng, stop making trouble."

Yu Shaofan stopped kissing her, what did she just say?
She thought he was Yan Yifeng?

Does Yan Yifeng kiss her often?
Her mind came back to the sea again, the scene where she was pressed by Yan Yifeng on the car, her heart stabbed fiercely.

Damn bitch~ man! !Why does he treat Yiyi like this?A woman that he is not willing to touch, why can he let him spoil like this?

"Shaofan?" Jie Yiyi opened her eyes, seeing the enlarged version of Yu Shaofan's face, she jumped up on the bed in fright.

Yu Shaofan concealed his sadness, smiled at her and explained, "You had a nightmare just now, so I was trying to wake you up."

Jie Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief, "Oh. Why did you get up so early?"

Jie Yiyi looked out the window, the sun had just risen, a ray of warm sunlight hid in the window, the rose flower was too delicate...

Yu Shaofan took a pillow to support her back, "I'm used to it."

"Come... Have a glass of milk first, and after breakfast, I'll take you home."

Yu Shaofan handed her the bread and boiled milk he had copied.

"What about you?" Jie Yiyi took it.

Yu Shaofan brushed the drooping hair for her, "I've eaten it."

His stomach can't drink milk, they only separated for more than 20 days, she completely forgot his habits, Yiyi, in your heart, how much place do I still have?
However, he is used to it. Ten years ago, her brain underwent surgery, which was what Jie Yiyi told him when they first got together...

(End of this chapter)

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