Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 103 Don't Threaten Women

Chapter 103 Don't Threaten Women
"Oh..." Jie Yiyi held the cup of warm milk and was about to drink it, but suddenly there was a commotion outside the door, as if someone kicked the door.

A burst of gunfire rang out, followed by a cold voice, "Listen to the dogs and men inside, I'll give you three seconds, if you don't come out, I'll blow up this place!"

Hearing this sound, Jie Yiyi's whole body trembled, and the milk in her hand fell unsteadily and fell to the ground hard.

"Shaofan...is Yan Yifeng."

The voice just now was Yan Yifeng's.He came, and he actually found here.

Jie Yiyi panicked, hurriedly opened the closet, and pushed Yu Shaofan in, "Shaofan, you hide first, I will go out and explain to Yan Yifeng myself, don't come out!"

She never thought that Yan Yifeng would find this place?

"Yiyi—" Yu Shaofan carried her to the bed~, with a calm expression, he said unhurriedly, "You sit here, I'll go out and have a look."

"But, Shaofan..."

"Yiyi, you trust me!"

Yu Shaofan pressed her trembling shoulders, then turned and walked out of the room.

Jie Yiyi looked at Yu Shaofan's leaving back, her heart suddenly lifted, and the scene of Yan Yifeng's gun pointing at his head in the mall reappeared.

And the scene when Yu Shaofan's hands were cut off in the dream just now, her heart was broken all of a sudden.

She lifted the quilt, jumped out of the bed, put on her shoes, and quickly followed out.


At this time, there was another loud gunshot outside the door, and Bo An's cold voice sounded, "Miss Jie, you can't escape, come out quickly! Mr. Yan has lost his temper..."

The door of the villa had already been kicked open, and Yu Shaofan came out from inside.

Seeing this, Yan Yifeng pointed the gun at him immediately, Yu Shaofan didn't care about the crowd behind him, and walked towards him calmly.

"Yan Yifeng. I brought Yiyi out for no other purpose. It was her birthday yesterday, so I just took her to celebrate her birthday. You don't need to send so many soldiers over here."

"After Yiyi finishes her breakfast, I will naturally send her back to the hotel safely."

"Bump—" Yan Yifeng slammed his clenched fist on his face fiercely, "Yu Shaofan, you fucking, can I say sorry to you after I kill your whole family?!"

The woman who touched him will explain this to me again? !
Yu Shaofan wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said with a light smile, "Otherwise, what do you want? I just don't want you to ruin Yiyi's 20th birthday!"

"What do you want?" The anger on Yan Yifeng's face was obvious, and his gun was aimed at his head again, "Kill you!! Dare to snatch women from me in my territory, you Yu Shaofan are tired of working?!"

Jie Yiyi chased out from the room, saw Yan Yifeng's gun pointed at Yu Shaofan's head, her breathing stopped again, and she shouted, "Yan Yifeng, let go of Shaofan..."

Saying that, she ran over quickly, Yan Yifeng saw the pajamas she was wearing, his eyes sank, and he warned coldly, "Jie Yiyi! You dare to come over and I will shoot him!!"

Yu Shaofan looked at Yan Yifeng coldly, "Yan Yifeng, if you are a man, don't threaten women!"

Jie Yiyi was so frightened that she really stopped, the nightmare she had just now was still echoing in her mind, she was afraid...

"Yan Yifeng, you put down the gun, I'll go back with you, you let Shaofan go, it has nothing to do with Shaofan when I come out, you let him go."

(End of this chapter)

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