Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 104 Put down the gun, okay?

Chapter 104 Put down the gun, okay?
Yan Yifeng's eyes became colder and darker, very good! !In this woman's heart, there is only this man from the heart to the end.

She will never know what he prepared for her last night... Heh!

"Jie Yiyi, shut up! I'll kill Yu Shaofan before I kill you!!!"

"Don't think that I, Yan Yifeng, dare not kill him. Killing him is just one bullet missing for me! Jie Yiyi, I warned you, don't challenge my bottom line, because you can't afford the price!"

As soon as Yan Yifeng's words fell, suddenly, there was something cold under his abdomen, and Yu Shaofan took out a pistol from nowhere, "Yan Yifeng, if you dare to hurt Yiyi, I will die with you with my last breath!"

Chasing from China to France, he has long expected that there will be a scene like today, and he can bring Yiyi here, which is already fulfilled.

"Heh!" Yan Yifeng snorted coldly with disdain, "Yu Shaofan, are you threatening me?! Who are you scaring with a toy pistol? Do you need me, Yan Yifeng, to prepare a gun for you? I, Yan Yifeng, lent you a thousand guts, but you dare not open them! "

Yan Yifeng spoke firmly.

Standing behind them, Jie Yiyi's legs were already limp from fright, she dragged her heavy body and moved little by little.

"Jie Yiyi, come here and try again?!" Yan Yifeng's gun took a step closer to Yu Shaofan.

"Yan Yifeng... Shaofan came here just to celebrate my birthday, you put the gun down, let's talk..."

"Shaofan, tell him that you are only here for my birthday... Can everyone stop using guns to solve the problem, I beg you, put down the guns, okay?"

Jie Yiyi looked at them helplessly, seeing that Yan Yifeng was ignoring her, she hurriedly turned to Bo An and said, "Bo An, please, persuade Yan Yifeng, persuade him."

Bo An looked at her expressionlessly, "I'm sorry, Miss Jie, there is nothing I can do."

"Yiyi... Go back to the villa and stay." Yu Shaofan didn't want her to see a bloody scene.

How could Jie Yiyi listen, seeing that Bo An was unwilling to help her, she quickly walked towards Yan Yifeng.

"Jie Yiyi! You fucking step forward and try again?!"

Jie Yiyi ignored his words and continued to walk forward.

The anger in Yan Yifeng's heart became more intense, she was so nervous that Yu Shaofan was so nervous that he dared not listen to his words? !

"Very good!! You forced me, Jie Yiyi!!" Yan Yifeng pulled the trigger with his hand.

Jie Yiyi tightly grabbed her sleeves and held her breath. Although she was afraid, she continued to walk forward.

Yan Yifeng's eyes sank and sank. Seeing that Jie Yiyi didn't stop, he pressed down the hand that pulled the trigger and was slowly releasing it...

"Yan Yifeng, don't—"

Seeing Yan Yifeng let go of the trigger, Jie Yiyi screamed loudly, but it was too late, he had already shot.

Jie Yiyi was extremely powerless, but Yu Shaofan stood there safe and sound.

At this time, Yan Yifeng suddenly realized something, and looked at Bo An with a dark face, "Damn it! Who gave me the gun?!"

Yu Shaofan didn't die, and Jie Yiyi finally realized that the shot was empty and had no bullets.

Yu Shaofan curled his mouth slightly, his eyes suddenly became gloomy and cold, he slowly raised his pistol and pointed it at Yan Yifeng's side of the head...

Jie Yiyi was stunned, without even thinking about it, she rushed to Yan Yifeng's body, opened her hands, and shouted, "Shaofan, don't..."

If Yan Yifeng was killed, Yu Shaofan would not even think about living.

(End of this chapter)

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