Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 105 Please Receive Your Love

Chapter 105 Please take back your love
Yu Shaofan pressed the button, he didn't expect that Jie Yiyi would rush forward desperately, if he really fired this shot, then, Yiyi...

Smelling the familiar scent of Jie Yiyi before his nose, Yan Yifeng turned his head and found that Yu Shaofan's gun was aimed at his head, and Jie Yiyi was standing in front of him.

She... doesn't want Yu Shaofan to kill him?
"Shaofan, that's enough! Thank you for everything you prepared for me, but we can't go back to the past, I hope today is the last time we meet!"

"Let's go! Don't disturb my life anymore, really!!"

"You are no longer the man who could give me happiness. Every time we meet, we will end up like today. I really can't bear so much pain. Please take back your love."

"I am now... living happily with Yan Yifeng, please! Please go!!"

Although they had a happy time yesterday, she understood that it was only once.

From now on, Shaofan will have his own life to live...

Goodbye, best, never see you again.

This is good for each other.

At this time, Yan Yifeng had another gun in his hand, and he pushed Jie Yiyi away, smiling evilly.

"You want me to let him go in this way? Jie Yiyi, you have a good idea!! There is no way I, Yan Yifeng, will let Yu Shaofan go today!!"

"Bump—" Yan Yifeng fired a shot at Yu Shaofan, but Yu Shaofan dodged so fast that he almost hit his arm, but the bullet still missed him...

Yu Shaofan didn't dare to return the gun, because Jie Yiyi was in front of Yan Yifeng, and he was afraid that Yan Yifeng would use her as a shield.

Did Yan Yifeng really shoot?Jie Yiyi was so frightened that her soul flew out, and her whole body was limp on Yan Yifeng's body.

The voice became humble, "Yan Yifeng, give me a chance, I will never make such a mistake again!"

Yan Yifeng ignored her words, how many times has this woman lied to him?
"Yan Yifeng, give me a chance to come back to you! I really have nothing to do with Yu Shaofan, he is going to get married, it is impossible for us to be together..."


Yu Shaofan was startled by Jie Yiyi's sign. Last night, he was just talking casually, but she really didn't mind him marrying another woman?
Yan Yifeng lowered his head and smiled grimly, "Jie Yiyi, why do you want me to believe you?! If I remember correctly, you said you would treat me well and stop making me angry, but now?! Huh?!"

He pinched her chin and said coldly.

Jie Yiyi held back the pain, "I know I was wrong, I shouldn't provoke you, give me a chance...give me a chance to correct it? I promise..."

Yan Yifeng hooked his lips, and looked at Yu Shaofan coldly, his eyes were full of pride and his hatred for him.

For some reason, he clearly hated Jie Yiyi to the extreme, but seeing her pitiful appearance, his heart couldn't help but move slightly.

Seeing that Bo An and the others stepped forward to hold Yu Shaofan's hand, he hesitated for a while, sneered, and retracted his gun, "Okay, because you work so hard under me every night, I will give you a chance! "

Yan Yifeng looked at Yu Shaofan coldly, squeezed her chin tightly, and asked coldly, "Jie Yiyi, let me ask you, between me and Yu Shaofan, who do you choose?"

"Yiyi..." Yu Shaofan stopped her, she wanted to turn her head, but Yan Yifeng held her chin tightly, not giving her a chance to move.

(End of this chapter)

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