Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 1021 [Extra] We broke up

Chapter 1021 [Extra] We broke up

A smile appeared on the corner of Jie Yiyi's mouth. She tried her best to control her emotions, hold her breath, hold her breath, and then gave a beautiful counterattack, winning and leaving, "Yes, the process is not important, the important thing is the ending."

Not angry anymore?

Yan Yifeng was suspicious, this woman has never been so easy to deal with.

Just about to hug her into his arms and have a tiresome love talk, the result, the result, the result... a pillow fell from the top of his head hard, making his head dizzy, Jie Yiyi said coldly, "Yes, the ending is what you want See, we broke up!"

Throwing down these words, she turned and left gracefully.

Using such an obscene method to trick her back into the room, do you still care?
Care about your sister!
She's going to be pissed off, okay?
   Thinking of being tossed by him several times last night and being tempted to say love words to him, she wanted to bring the baby and slam her head against the wall to death.

People who are cheap are invincible.

This describes him.

 "Jie Yiyi!"

Yan Yifeng chased out of the room.

Jie Yiyi entered Chenchen's room and closed the door firmly.

Yan Shao was shut out.

Today is Saturday, Chenchen doesn't have to go to school, he was painting in the studio, and when he heard a loud sound of closing the door, he thought something serious happened, so he ran out immediately, only to see Jie Yiyi sitting on the bed with an angry face side.

What's wrong with Mommy?
Chenchen thought.

Then he walked over with small steps, sat gently beside Jie Yiyi, looked at her for a long time, and then asked, "Mummy, did you quarrel with Daddy again?"

Jie Yiyi clenched her fists in her small hands, remained silent and did not answer.

 Chenchen gently hugged Jie Yiyi's waist, and gently stroked her belly with her plump little hands, "Mummy can't lose her temper casually, my sister will be frightened."
"When Mommy has a baby, she must maintain a beautiful mood and smile, so that when the younger sister comes out, she will be as beautiful as Mommy."

Hearing Chenchen's comforting words, Jie Yiyi's anger subsided little by little.

I have to admit that Chenchen is very good at coaxing people.

She didn't want to get angry so easily, but that smelly man outside...!
It made her want to tear his face to pieces, and now she lied to her, as long as his face didn't blush and his heart didn't beat, what then?No... Perhaps, from the time of marriage to the present, nine out of ten of his sentences are false, and only she, Jie Yiyi, would be so foolish to believe it.

Yes, she is a fool.

The sound of Yan Yifeng's knocking on the door continued, and Chenchen felt a little helpless because of the noise, "Mommy." He pointed to the door.

"Don't open it! If you open it, you are not my son." Jie Yiyi put down the harsh words.

Chenchen has always listened to Jie Yiyi's words, so he obediently remained silent. 
Seeing her messy hair, Chenchen took a comb and combed it for her, but the knock on the door also stopped, and her ears were finally quiet. Jie Yiyi decided that a man like this who is full of lies, You can ignore it for a lifetime.

  As soon as he calmed down, the phone in Chenchen's room rang. Chenchen jumped out of bed to answer it. It was Yan Yifeng's call. His voice was cold, "Open the door!"

Chenchen glanced at Jie Yiyi, "But Mommy is very angry now and won't let me open the door."

"I let you open the door."

"Wait a minute, I'll ask Mommy."

Yan Yi's style exploded, so he has to ask her mommy about this?
well.Who told you not to care about your son?If there is a quarrel, the son will of course stand on Mommy's side.

"Mommy, Daddy, he..."

"Unplug the phone line!" Jie Yiyi interrupted coldly.

Chenchen let out an oh, and then picked up the phone to report the situation, "Mummy asked me to unplug the phone line, I'm sorry I can't help you, you can go get the room key from the housekeeper or..."

(End of this chapter)

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