Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 1022 [Fan Wai] I just need to clean up!

Chapter 1022 [Fan Wai] I just need to clean up!

"Yan Sichen, were you born by him or by me?"

Uh, isn't it a combination of the two?Chenchen was helpless.

Glancing out the window, today is a cloudy day, and it really is in sync with Mommy's mood.

Not daring to disobey Mummy, Chenchen hung up the phone and unplugged the phone line.

Obediently, she came to Jie Yiyi and sat down, brought a bag of potato chips over, "Is Mommy hungry?"

"Don't eat, I'm full." It was true that his mouth said so, but he still took the bag of potato chips, then tore it open, and ate it.

Chenchen couldn't help laughing, didn't Mommy say she wouldn't eat, why now?

Seeing that Mummy's face was not so smelly anymore, Chenchen went to pour her another glass of milk.

After breakfast, the two of them nestled comfortably on the bed~, Jie Yiyi flipped through Chenchen's colorful paintings, and couldn't help admiring, at such a young age, she was able to have such a rich imagination, using pictures to describe stories, she couldn't help but Not proud of having a smart son.

When she turned to the last page, she saw a picture of a family of three, and Jie Yiyi knew at a glance that the painting was about herself, Yan Yifeng and Chenchen.

Chenchen did a good job of drawing her, and Yan Yifeng was also very good, but her resentment towards him was too deep... If it wasn't for Chenchen's sake, she would have torn his head off, hum.

"Chenchen, your daddy is not that handsome at all, you should draw him a pig's head!"

Saying that, Jie Yiyi took the drawing board and began to paint the portrait of Yan Yifeng, crippling his image.

Looking at Jie Yiyi's painting, Chenchen laughed so hard that his stomach hurts, how could Mommy be so talented?
If Daddy finds out, he will definitely explode with anger.


The two of them were painting in high spirits, they didn't hear the sound outside at all, and they didn't notice every move outside.

At this time, Yan Yifeng was sitting in the helicopter, and the pilot was slowly approaching Chenchen's room. He tried to balance with the balcony so that Yan Yifeng could come down.

Although the sound of the helicopter taking off was loud, it still couldn't hide the laughter of the mother and son in the room.


 Finally, approaching the balcony, Yan Yifeng leaped onto the balcony, pushed lightly, and the floor-to-ceiling windows opened. At this time, Jie Yiyi and Chen Chen hadn't realized that the devil had descended from the sky, and they were still playing tricks. Jie Yiyi disapproved of Chen Drawn by Chen, "No, no, a tail should be added behind the butt!"

Chenchen added it as she said, and Jie Yiyi nodded in satisfaction, "Well, this is like Yan Yifeng, Mommy will help you stick it on the toilet later, it will help excretion."

Standing by the bed and looking at the mother and son, even though he was angry, his face was extremely dark.

 He tried his best to suppress his anger, lowered his head suddenly, approached Jie Yiyi, and asked in a deep voice, "Is it fun?"

Jie Yiyi raised her eyes and gave him a blank look, "Of course it's fun..." Before she could finish her words, she was suffocated, and was pressed down by the devil, kissed, and fell down overwhelmingly.

Wow kaka.

Whether Mommy is angry or Daddy is angry, he is as domineering as ever.

 In order to prevent himself from getting a needle eye, Chenchen decided to leave the room and give the space to the two of them.

Unexpectedly, just as she was about to leave, someone grabbed her hand, and Jie Yiyi said inarticulately, "Chenchen, save me."

Yan Yifeng shot a cold look, saying, if you dare to save her, I will flush you down the toilet.

Pushing her hand up and pressing it firmly, he let out the words, "You woman, you just need to deal with it!"


Obviously he was at fault first, why should he punish her?No, she wants to kiss back.

(End of this chapter)

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