Chapter 109
Jie Yiyi's whole body trembled in pain, and she bit her lower lip tightly, so she could not let herself cry out.

"Yan Yifeng, you are insane, one day you will be struck to death by lightning, and you will be hit by a car when you go out!! You will suffer retribution!"

"Huh?" Yan Yifeng pinched her chin and slammed her more vigorously, "Jie Yiyi, I said before that I'm having a hard time, so don't think about it!!"

This force, this forced posture, made Jie Yiyi want to die in shame, she exhausted all her strength, stood up, raised her head, and bit Yan Yifeng's neck fiercely.

She is angry!She was really angry, and hit him with two small fists, "Yan Yifeng, I'm going to bite you to death, you bastard, I'm going to bite you to death."

Yan Yifeng frowned and pushed her away, but she didn't let go, biting tightly.

Yan Yifeng pulled her hair, and smiled disdainfully, "The ants want to kill the elephant? Jie Yiyi, save yourself!"

Jie Yiyi ignored his words, and bit him tightly, until the blood came, and then she let go, and changed to another place, biting hard.

Yan Yifeng was exercising fiercely under her body. Every time she bit harder, he became more fierce, and every time he bit fiercely, she bit harder.

Both are hurting each other, each other is venting, and no one can find pleasure in the other... The one who hurts is himself.

Jie Yiyi didn't know how long she had vented with her teeth before she let him go. Yan Yifeng's body was covered with tooth marks, while Jie Yiyi's body was covered with hickey marks and bruises.

Yan Yifeng was panting on her body, but never thought about letting go of her... Jie Yiyi looked at the ceiling, and the scene of walking in the sea of ​​flowers with Yu Shaofan echoed in his mind, tears fell drop by drop.

In the end, she still couldn't bear such a toss, and passed out...

Yan Yifeng let her go, but he didn't let himself go. He hit the white wall with his fist hard, venting...

Yu Shaofan, Jie Yiyi, I, Yan Yifeng, will not let you go easily! !

Mama Feng had already knocked on the door, but she ignored her, so she had to go to the key vault to take out the key...

Pushing open the door, Jie Yiyi was lying naked on the bed, completely naked, with tears all over her face, vulnerable to a single blow.

And Yan Yifeng, who was already dressed at this time, was sitting on the sofa, drinking red wine, and looked at Feng's mother who broke in with cold eyes.

The room was in a mess.Torn clothes, scattered on the ground, everywhere.

Mama Feng was shocked, and after a long time, she came back to her senses, turned to look at Yan Yifeng, "Mr. Yan, what did Miss Jie do wrong?"

In my impression, this is not the first time that Mr. Yan has vented in this way, but this time, it is the most ferocious one.

"..." Yan Yifeng ignored her and continued to drink red wine.

"Mr. Yan, the doctor said that Ms. Jie's body is too weak to withstand such torture... If Mr. Yan wants to vent, you can use another method, Miss Jie..."

"Bump—" the red wine glass hit the ground fiercely, Yan Yifeng interrupted coldly, "If you don't want to die, just shut up!"

His voice was not loud, but he was indifferent and frightening. He exuded an air of arrogance, and told her in an undeniable tone that a word from him could pronounce her death at any time.

Mama Feng fell silent, she had no idea what the situation was... When the two of them went to France, they were obviously fine.

(End of this chapter)

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