Chapter 110 She Was Dirty

Has Miss Jie angered Mr. Yan again?Was her birthday dinner over or not?
Mama Feng also has children, and seeing Jie Yiyi tortured like this made her feel uncomfortable.

Yan Yifeng glanced coldly at Jie Yiyi who was sleeping on the bed~, the anger in his heart was still burning...

After venting by smashing the wine bottle in his hand, Yan Yifeng stood up coldly, and ordered indifferently, "Put clothes on her and bring her to the servant's room!"

This kind of woman who gave her three points of color and dared to open a dyeing workshop!It's not good to spoil her, so let's have a little hard time and see if she dares to find a man in the future? !
"Yes, Mr. Yan." Seeing Yan Yifeng being so indifferent, Mama Feng didn't dare to neglect, she quickly took out the clothes from the closet and put them on for Jie Yiyi.

However, just after being tortured, her whole body was dirty, and her face was covered with tears, like a cat.

Even though she knew she would be scolded, Mother Feng couldn't help but said, "Mr. Yan, do you need to take a bath for Miss Jie?"

Yan Yifeng's face was dark, and when he turned around, he lost a murderous look, "This kind of woman is dirty in the first place, no matter how much she washes, she's still dirty, just wear it!"

"In 1 minute, maid's room, I want to see her!"

Throwing down these words coldly, Yan Yifeng turned and left coldly.

Mama Feng couldn't help shivering. It seems that this time, Mr. Yan was really angry. Every time he finished torturing Miss Jie, he would order her to eat soup, apply medicine, and see a doctor...

Now... why does he want Miss Jie to go to the servant's room?Is it necessary to put him under house arrest and be whipped?
Thinking of this, Feng's mother felt a chill rise from the bottom, she shivered, quickly put on Jie Yiyi's clothes, and then carried her to the servant's room.

At this time, Yan Yifeng was already sitting there waiting, Mama Feng put Jie Yiyi on the bed~, Yan Yifeng said coldly, "Wake her up for me!"

Feng's mother glanced at Jie Yiyi who was sleeping soundly, she couldn't bear it a little bit, but she didn't dare to disobey Yan Yifeng's order, she nodded quickly, "Yes, Mr. Yan."

"Miss Jie, wake up." Mama Feng gently pushed her shoulder.

She didn't sleep all night last night, and she sat on the plane for several hours, coupled with Yan Yifeng's tossing, Jie Yiyi was already exhausted. When Feng's mother called her, she only had a little consciousness, but she didn't wake up.

"Mr. Yan, Ms. Jie may be too tired, let her rest..."

Yan Yifeng's sharp eyes shot like a blade, Feng's mother obediently closed her eyes, "Pour cold water on her to wake her up!!"

Don't think that everything will be fine after fainting, Yan Yifeng has plenty of ways to torment her.

A few servants at the side saw that Jie Yiyi was being tossed, and they had long been gloating and sniggering. As soon as Yan Yifeng gave orders, they immediately went out and brought a bucket of water over.

"This..." Feng's mother was in trouble again, "Mr. Yan, Miss Jie's body is very fragile now, if you pour such cold water on it, you may get..." sick.

"Shut up! When will it be your turn to question my Yan Yifeng's words?!"

Getting up from the sofa, Yan Yifeng snatched the bucket from the servant's hand, and poured it on Jie Yiyi viciously.

There was an unpleasant smell, and Yan Yifeng looked down, and it turned out that the bucket was dirty water from cleaning the windows...

The cold feeling came, and Jie Yiyi's whole body trembled. She could clearly feel the coldness pressing on her one after another. Gradually, she opened her tired eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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