Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 117 You Can't Sleep!

Chapter 117 You Can't Sleep!
Yan Yifeng held back the desire to throw the bowl, his eyes widened, he grabbed her arm tightly, and said coldly, "Jie Yiyi, you fucking, if you have the ability, tell me again!"

"I hate you." Jie Yiyi had no strength, and her entire eyelids were about to droop.

A burst of anger surged, Yan Yifeng felt that his patience had reached the limit, and threw away Jie Yiyi who was leaning on his shoulder.

Jie Yiyi, who had just fallen asleep, was thrown to the ground without any consciousness. Before she could open her eyes, Yan Yifeng's cold voice sounded again, "Continue cleaning up for me. The garbage in the hall is not cleaned up, so you can't sleep!"

Jie Yiyi, you'd better bless you that you will never be hungry, otherwise I will not even prepare a coffin for you if you starve to death.

Seeing Jie Yiyi opened his eyes, Yan Yifeng turned and left coldly.

Since you hate it, let her hate it even more! !

Why did she ever have him in her heart?If it wasn't because of his background that Yu Shaofan would be threatened, would she obediently come back with him? !
Jie Yiyi sat on the cold floor, trying hard to keep her eyes open, not letting herself fall asleep.

Before these things are completed, she cannot fall down.

Jie Yiyi, come on, you're OK!
She cheered herself up and swallowed forcefully, Jie Yiyi stood up again, picked up the broom handed over by the servant, and cleaned it bit by bit.

The ground was very slippery, and several times Jie Yiyi almost fell, and she could barely stand up by holding on to the wall.

Yan Yifeng, who was standing at the corner of the stairs, stared at this scene closely, his fists clenched tightly.

His heart seemed to have an unhealed scar, and every touch would tug at his nerves. It wasn't painful, but his whole body felt uncomfortable.

What the hell is wrong with him?
I have never felt this kind of feeling before. In my impression, he has never lost his temper for any woman, but with Jie Yiyi, he seems to have done everything beyond his own expectations...

Sometimes, he didn't know what he was doing and why, and he got so angry because of a small thing.

Is it...

He fell in love with her?
Oh shit!Ghosts will fall in love with her.

Thinking of this, he avoided the sight of Jie Yiyi as if running away, how could he?How could it be possible to fall in love with her?impossible! !

When he came to the gym, Yan Yifeng kicked and beat the villain on the sandbag fiercely, venting his anger.

Impossible... The scene of his mother being raped back then was so clearly visible in his mind, he knew exactly what he wanted...

All this time, he only used her as a tool for revenge, all he had in mind was revenge, where did love come from?

Fall in love with her, next life!But what happened to the heartache just now?

Oh shit!Yan Yifeng vented more violently and crazily.

Jie Yiyi, starting tomorrow, I, Yan Yifeng, will no longer be soft-hearted towards you!

finally.When it was almost dawn, Jie Yiyi cleaned up all the rubbish in the hall.

Jie Yiyi couldn't stand it anymore, sat on the ground and fell asleep directly.

in sleep.A very unique breath came, and a very soft thing fell on her body...

Immediately afterwards, another pair of powerful arms hugged her thin body, and then, after walking a long way, finally put her on the bed~.

He kissed her forehead for a long time, until her frowning brows relaxed, and then he let go.

Jie Yiyi realized who he was, held his hand tightly, smiled happily, and muttered, "Shaofan, you finally came to save me? I miss you so much."

As soon as the words fell, someone coldly shook off her hand, turned and left the room coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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