Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 118 Miss Jie is still shy?

Chapter 118 Miss Jie is still shy?

Another new day.

Early in the morning, Feng's mother came to Jie Yiyi's room and woke her up.

Jie Yiyi fell into a sleepy sleep, and when she heard someone calling her name in her sleep, she slowly opened her eyes.

She vaguely remembered that last night, because she was too tired, she fell asleep directly after cleaning the garbage in the hall, but... why did she come to the servant's room?
Mama Feng helped Jie Yiyi up and gave her a pillow to cushion her back. After a day of exhaustion, when she woke up and sat up, she felt that her bones were about to fall apart.

"Miss Jie, did you sleep well last night?" Mother Feng asked while squeezing the ointment with a cotton swab.

Jie Yiyi looked out the window, if she remembered correctly, someone should have carried her up in the hall last night.

But that person... who is it?Yan Yifeng? !But that breath was clearly Shaofan's.

"Mother Feng, did I fall asleep in the lobby last night?"

"Huh? No. At that time, Miss Jie came up after cleaning. Mother Feng saw it with her own eyes."

There was a strange flash in Feng Ma's eyes, as if there was something wrong, she quickly covered it up.

"Oh" Jie Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief, it was really just a dream, Yan Yifeng already hated her to the core, so how could he personally hug her up?
Even though Feng's mother said, she didn't remember deeply, maybe because she was too tired yesterday, she was so sleepy that the memory of that time was blurred.

"Come on, Miss Jie, take off your clothes, I'll apply the ointment for you, it doesn't look good to have whiplash on such fair skin."

It was only then that Jie Yiyi found out that Mama Feng came here early in the morning to apply medicine to her.

Looking at Mama Feng's kind face, Jie Yiyi felt a warm feeling in her heart.

How good would it be if mom was still there?
Originally, she was still in a gloomy mood, but with Mama Feng treating her so attentively, Jie Yiyi grinned, "Mama Feng, thank you."

Then, she turned her back and slowly unbuttoned her clothes, "Mama Feng, you can just paint my back, and I can do the rest myself."

Feng Ma chuckled, "What's the matter? Miss Jie is still shy?"

Jie Yiyi shook her head and said softly, "No, I just don't want to bother Mama Feng with anything. If Yan Yifeng finds out that you brought me the ointment, he will definitely lose his temper again."

Mother Feng's hands froze, she stared at the injury on her back for a while, and then said, "Actually..." After thinking about it, she still closed her mouth tightly.

"Huh? Actually what?" Jie Yiyi touched the tooth marks on her chest, hating Yan Yifeng so much that her teeth itch.

Feng's mother concealed her emotions. Mr. Yan told her not to speak out, otherwise her tongue would be cut, "It's nothing."

The room was silent for a moment, and Mama Feng's voice sounded again, "By the way, Miss Jie, you haven't told me what happened between you and Mr. Yan in France?"

She had always wanted to ask about this matter, but she couldn't find a chance.Only when the reason is found, will Ms. Jie have a chance to reconcile with Mr. Yan.

This time, it was Jie Yiyi's turn to be silent. Speaking of France, it was indeed the pain in her chest, because she missed the man who treated him best in the whole world.

In fact, she didn't want to say it, but Feng's mother didn't want to come here to laugh at her. As a housekeeper, her master is not happy, of course she has to understand clearly.

"Mother Feng, will you believe me?" Jie Yiyi asked.

Mama Feng put down the ointment with a nervous expression on her face. Hearing her trembling voice, she felt a little uneasy, "What's wrong? Miss Jie? Did mentioning this matter make you sad? If so, then we won't talk about it." gone."

(End of this chapter)

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