Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 121 Do You Dare to Go and Give Me a Try?

Chapter 121 Do You Dare to Go and Give Me a Try?

When you whipped the whip yesterday, why didn't you think about what will happen to you today?
She is not a living Bodhisattva, and cannot save you from crossing the river.

What's more, whether the injury on her arm can heal is another matter. She has no reason to help someone who hurt herself?

Anyway, to sum it up in two words, it deserves it!what goes around comes around!There is nothing wrong with this sentence.

When Qiaoling heard this, her face immediately twitched, and she almost got angry, "You..."

Jie Yiyi smiled at her, "Everyone follows other people's path, leaving others nowhere..."

She pursed her lips, and gave a chuckle, which was so charming, "You are quite special. You follow other people's path, leaving yourself nowhere to go."

"Jie Yiyi, are you so arrogant? Isn't it just because Mr. Yan loves you? One day, your end will be as miserable as mine."

This bad woman looks weak and weak on the surface, but she didn't expect her heart to be so vicious, all pretending?

"Oh?" Jie Yiyi deepened her smile, "Thank you for reminding me, I look forward to that day, goodbye!" Jie Yiyi made a goodbye gesture to her.

"Hmph! Then cover your mouth and cry." Qiaoling snorted coldly. At this time, a maid came from the direction of the master bedroom and saw Jie Yiyi respectfully said, "Miss Jie, Mr. Yan is waiting for you in the room." .”

Mr. Yan?Qiaoling blinked, and hurried forward to please, "Sister Yiyi, you have a lot of adults, I take back what I said just now, you are not going to Mr. Yan's room right now, please tell me by the way, I will be a cow and a horse in the next life... "

Jie Yiyi lifted her lips and interrupted her words, "I wish you the best of luck!"

She didn't want to go at first, but for the sake of being smart, she dropped this sentence, turned around and left gracefully.

Qiaoling was so angry that her toothache hurt, she clenched her fists tightly, okay, Jie Yiyi, you are cruel!

She has always been like that, it is not bad if you do not repay your kindness, but you are a scum if you do not repay your revenge.That's right, when it's time to be ruthless, it must be ruthless.

There are many rooms in this villa, and the corridor is super long. Jie Yiyi walked for 10 minutes before arriving at Yan Yifeng's room.

Here, there is a unique atmosphere, which is somewhat familiar to her, but at the same time, also somewhat strange.

Damn it!Why is Yan Yifeng so nervous?She is a cleaning lady now, why did you ask her to come here?Clean his room?Tidy up his room?Or to meet his needs?
asshole!If he dared to mention it, she would definitely kill him. Yesterday already made her want to die, and now...

Thinking of this, Jie Yiyi turned around and wanted to leave, but suddenly a cold voice came from the room, "Jie Yiyi, do you dare to leave for me?!"

Jie Yiyi looked behind her, then looked next door, there was no one... Oh my god, it was too scary, he knew she was wandering outside, looked up, and saw dozens of electronic surveillance cameras facing her.

Well, she forgot, Yan Yifeng's eyes are everywhere here.

Then...does she have a room too?

damn?Yan Yifeng, a pervert, has installed surveillance cameras in her bathroom, right?Then she takes a shower... this voyeur! !
Isn't he afraid of retribution?When you go back, you must find a way to cover those needle holes, hum!

Concealing her emotions, Jie Yiyi opened the door and went in. Yan Yifeng was wearing a bathrobe, sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, staring at her displeasedly with his cold black eyes.

Jie Yiyi wanted to yell at her, but when she thought about her current status as a servant, she endured it.

(End of this chapter)

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