Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 122 Trouble You, Please Respect 1 Point

Chapter 122 Trouble You, Please Respect Yourself

"What are you doing standing there in a daze? Why don't you come over?" Yan Yifeng looked away from her, looking like a high-ranking king waiting for someone to serve him.

Taking a deep breath, Jie Yiyi told herself that no matter what, she must hold her breath, yes, hold her breath.

She hooked her lips to hide her dissatisfaction, and walked over quietly, "What orders does Mr. Yan have?"

Yan Yifeng narrowed his eyes dangerously, and tugged at his bathrobe, "Is there a servant like you who doesn't have eyes?!"

He specially put on his bathrobe to wait for her to change, but she was fine, and asked him what he was going to do when he came in?
You know, how many maids dream of changing Yan Yifeng's clothes?

"Huh?" Jie Yiyi touched her eyes, and looked at him suspiciously, "Which eye did Mr. Yan see, I don't have eyes?"

Damn woman, do you still dare to anger him?

Yan Yifeng held back the desire to get angry, turned his face away, with disdain on his face, "Bring the clothes here and change them for me."

change clothes?Doesn't he have hands and feet?

Why did she have to come all the way to change his clothes?ill?Or disabled?
Jie Yiyi didn't obediently obey, but whispered, "I'm just a cleaner, it doesn't seem to be my job to change your clothes, right?"

Yan Yi's face turned black with arrogance, damn woman, do you have to fight against him? !

He stood up ferociously, with a layer of fire in his eyes, "Jie Yiyi, you are my servant now, what does the master ask you to do, it's your turn to question?!"

"I'll give you three seconds to bring me the clothes, otherwise, you will be at your own risk!"

Jie Yiyi curled her lips, what can she do in three seconds?She's not a swift.

Besides, didn't he call her dirty?Let her change his clothes, isn't he afraid that she will stain his clothes?
I don't understand, no one can understand what Yan Yifeng is thinking.

"Yes." Jie Yiyi turned around and walked towards the closet, Yan Yifeng's closet was full of black and white shirts, other than that, there was no other clothes.

But what color shirt is he going to wear?
"Yan Yifeng..." Jie Yiyi turned her head, just about to ask, Yan Yifeng's enlarged face appeared in front of her eyes, and she was about to crash into his arms by a second.

There was a burst of male hormones in her nose, and Jie Yiyi was infatuated for a moment, but she quickly came back to her senses, took a few steps back, and asked, "What color shirt do you want to wear?"

There was a haze in Yan Yifeng's eyes, and the cold breath tightly wrapped around her, Yan Yifeng said in a deep voice, "Black!"

Jie Yiyi gave him a blank look from the bottom of her heart.

"Oh." He took out a black shirt from the closet. All the clothes in the closet were brand new, and the brands were all under CE.

Yan Yifeng stood there with a cold face, Jie Yiyi tiptoed to take off his bathrobe for him, and accidentally glanced at his chest.

I don't usually see him exercising, but this figure is really indescribable. It is tall but not rough, strong, and has been tempered a lot, as if it will never fall...

No wonder every time I hit him, he didn't feel it at all, it was as solid as a wall, so it hurt...

"Have you seen enough? I didn't ask you to see me naked!" Yan Yifeng tightened her waist as her waist warmed up, and said with a sarcasm.

"..." Being caught straight, Jie Yiyi hurriedly looked away guiltily, her little face flushed a little, "I... trouble Mr. Yan, be more self-respecting."

(End of this chapter)

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