Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 129 What do servants eat?

Chapter 129 What do servants eat?

Going back to the room, closing the door, isolating the outside sound, the ears finally quieted down.

Jie Yiyi didn't go to bed, but took a shower in the bathroom.

She wants to wash away those memories that have nothing to do with her, as well as the taste of lip gloss in her mouth, everything about Yan Yifeng...

However, her mind was against her, the more she tried to dilute it, the more Yan Yifeng's face floated past her mind.

And Ai Shishi's groaning voice, very messy.

For some reason, from the moment she saw Ai Shishi, her chest began to heave, she didn't seem to be uncomfortable, but she was irritable...

She was even a little bit disappointed with what Yan Yifeng did...

Yan Yifeng's damn bitch, Ai Shishi acted like a baby to him casually, and asked her to apologize to her... Why didn't he ask, how did Ai Shishi treat her?
In the bottom of my heart, there was another strange feeling.

Jie Yiyi raised her head to let the water rush down her eyes, what happened?
Why does the scene of Yan Yifeng and Ai Shishi's passionate kiss still linger in her mind?

What on earth is she minding?Do you mind if they lay~in bed and make~love?

Or do you mind Yan Yifeng asking her to apologize indiscriminately?
Or do you mind that Yan Yifeng has begun to ignore her feelings?
Forget it, Jie Yiyi, stop being sentimental...

You are just a venting tool he bought back with money, and this is not the first time he has played with a woman, what do you mind?
After coming out of the bathroom, she stood on the balcony for a while, dried her hair, Jie Yiyi lay on the bed~, and fell asleep in a daze.

In her dream, she dreamed again that she and Yu Shaofan appeared in France, he was holding her hand, walking in the sea of ​​flowers, leaving footprints on the beach, that scene was very happy...

When I woke up, it was already night.

She was getting hungry, she was no longer the Jie Yiyi who could sit at the dining table with Yan Yifeng to eat.

Now she is just a little maid doing housework in Yan's Manor. She is hungry and has to find something by herself.

Downstairs living room.

One of Yan Yifeng was sitting at the dining table, eating gracefully.That back view is cold and arrogant, yet also a little bit lonely.

Ai Shishi didn't know when she was sent back, Jie Yiyi stood at the stairs, hesitating whether to go down or not.

Fortunately, Ai Shishi is here today, otherwise, she would have to accept Yan Yifeng's violence again.

"Miss Jie, why are you standing here? Are you hungry? I forgot to ask the servant to bring you food."

Feng's mother's voice sounded behind her, Jie Yiyi turned her head and smiled, "Feng's mother, don't bother, I can go to the cafeteria to make it myself."

"It's okay, you wait here, Mama Feng will get you something delicious."

Leaving Jie Yiyi with a consoling smile, Mama Feng went downstairs to prepare food in the kitchen.

However, Yan Yifeng at the dining table had a dark face, and said coldly, "What do servants eat when they don't work? If you don't pay, you want to get something, daydreaming!"

He minded that she didn't work all day.

Mama Feng's footsteps froze, she turned her head with some difficulty, first glanced at Jie Yiyi, then lowered her face to intercede for her, "Yan Yifeng, Miss Jie, she hasn't had a good meal for a few days..."

"What? Pity her? If you dare to enter the kitchen today, pack your bags and go home tomorrow!" Yan Yifeng didn't save any face for Mama Feng, and said coldly.

"This..." Mama Feng was a little embarrassed.

"Heh!" Hearing Yan Yifeng's words behind him, Jie Yiyi couldn't help sneering, trying to drive her to a dead end in this way?

Yan Yifeng sat there motionless, continuing to enjoy the food gracefully.

He was waiting for her to come and beg him.

(End of this chapter)

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