Chapter 130 He Was Gentle
"No need for Mama Feng, I can't even afford a servant's meal, so how can I have the nerve to eat poor him?"

Leaving this sentence behind, Jie Yiyi couldn't care about Yan Yifeng's face, turned and left.

When she was in college, her wallet was robbed, and she hadn't eaten for three days and three nights. At that time, she survived, just one dinner, nothing special.

After Jie Yiyi left, Yan Yifeng angrily overturned the whole table, staring coldly at the place where Jie Yiyi stayed just now, for a long time.

Damn woman, is it that difficult to ask her to say sorry and please her? !

very good!Want to fight him?
"Mother Feng, for the past three days, don't give her meals without my permission!"

"Anyone who dares to bring food to her, bring the head to see me!"

Once Yan Yifeng loses his temper, everyone will be afraid, Mama Feng dare not refuse, she nodded quickly, "Yes, Mr. Yan."

He wanted to see how long she could fight him?
It's fine if you don't give him face in front of the servants, but today she dares not give him a step down in front of Ai Shishi? !

It's just looking for death!
Back in the room, Jie Yiyi slammed the door coldly, feeling sulky.

Looking at the dark night outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, after a long time, she went to bed, curled up on the bed~, and hugged her knees tightly with her arms.

it's OK.

All of this will always pass, as long as you endure, one day, you will leave him.

Isn't everything she did just to disgust him?Although, today is just the beginning, but soon...

As long as you don't obey him and let him fight coldly, within a month, he will definitely forget her completely, Jie Yiyi comforted herself.

However, recalling the days before, Yan Yifeng fed her soup and made soup for her...

Coming out of prison, he knew she was taking birth control pills, and lost his temper because he was worried about her body...

In France, he prepared a surprise for her. He said that as long as she behaved, he would reconcile with her...

Even though he was so annoying, he was also gentle to her.

But now, the tenderness of the past has turned into heartlessness, he is so heartless that he doesn't even let her eat, and he starts to torture her body in different ways...

My heart is aching slightly.There is a moment of redness in the eye sockets...

But she didn't cry, she shrank back and took out the ointment from under the pillow, just a little bit, she forgot to apply medicine to her wound.

Compared to being bullied and humiliated by him on the bed~, she enjoys her current life more.

As long as you don't touch him, he can do whatever he wants!

At least in this way, in the bottom of her heart, she can reduce a lot of her guilt towards Yu Shaofan.

The welts and blood stains on the shoulders hadn't been washed away. She wiped it lightly, and she felt obvious pain, like an old wound with salt, a slight touch would pull the nerves of the whole body.

She bit her lower lip tightly to keep herself from muffled.

There were hickey marks left by Yan Yifeng all over his chest, which faded a lot overnight, but the tooth marks became more obvious...

Looking at herself in a mess in front of the mirror, in fact, she really wanted to cry.

The backlog of pain and grievances from the eve of the wedding to the present was released all at once.

She doesn't like to cry, but she knows that no matter how indestructible the wall of love is, there will be a moment when it cannot withstand the wind.

She really wanted to complain about God's injustice, but after all, this was her own choice...

In such a helpless situation, she could only endure it silently...

(End of this chapter)

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