Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 131 Mr. Yan Will Forgive You

Chapter 131 Mr. Yan Will Forgive You
at this time.Yan Yifeng's legs are crossed and sitting on the sofa, looking at the video on the monitor, Jie Yiyi's little hands are groping on her back, she can't see the wound on her back, she can only paint carelessly...

That thin figure deeply irritated Yan Yifeng's eyes. For a moment, he wanted to rush over and call her stupid, but out of self-esteem, he held back.

It's been three days.

In the past three days, no one dared to bring food to Jie Yiyi. Fortunately, Jie Yiyi filled his stomach in the kitchen while working, otherwise he would really starve to death.

Although at the beginning, she vowed never to eat food from Yan's family again, but she was angry when she was angry, and she couldn't get along with her stomach, so she ate it dishonestly.

Otherwise, if you don't eat, you won't have the strength to work. Damn Yan Yifeng, he gives her very heavy tasks every day.

From morning to night, she can never rest for a moment, but.This is better than being insulted by Yan Yifeng's side.

While cleaning the window, Mama Feng suddenly appeared in front of Jie Yiyi. In her impression, she hadn't seen Mama Feng for three days.

Feng's mother went to a place where the surveillance could not see and waved to Jie Yiyi, Jie Yiyi passed by, Feng's mother hurriedly stuffed her with snacks, looking a little flustered...

Jie Yiyi didn't refuse, and put it in her pocket, because she didn't know when Yan Yifeng was going to starve her, some food is better than nothing.

"Miss Jie, I'm sorry, Mr. Yan has been watching too closely these days, I dare not bring you food..."

Feng's mother apologized, Jie Yiyi quickly shook her head and smiled, "Feng's mother, as long as you have a heart, it's okay, I can still hold on."

Sure enough, here, only Mother Feng treats her well.

Mama Feng sighed softly before she spoke seriously, "Miss Jie, there is no need to clean the windows here. Mr. Yan told me to go down and clean the swimming pool before he left. He will use it at night."

Jie Yiyi glanced at the dazzling pool below, which was reflected by the sun, and frowned slightly, "The pool is clean, why do you need to clean it?"

Feng's mother shook her head, looking puzzled, "I don't understand exactly what Mr. Yan meant, but Miss Jie should be obedient."

Yan Yifeng's nerves must have twitched again, but she was tired of cleaning the windows every day, "Okay, I get it."

"That's okay. Mama Feng is leaving first. If you're hungry, go to the kitchen. I'll pretend I didn't see anything."

Jie Yiyi couldn't help laughing, Mama Feng stopped after taking two steps, turned her head, looked at her wryly smiling with distress, and persuaded, "Miss Jie, if you really can't stand it, go and apologize to Mr. Yan! "

"After all, Mr. Yan is a face-saving person. You made him lose face in front of Ms. Shishi that day. He just couldn't bear face. If Ms. Jie took the initiative to reconcile, Mr. Yan will definitely forgive you."

"Look at you, you have already lost a lot of weight in just three days. If you continue like this, your body will not be able to bear it."

Jie Yiyi knew that Feng's mother was worried about her, and it was for her own good, but she was indeed right about that matter, "Feng's mother, forget it! Yan Yifeng is an unreasonable person in the first place."

"What's the use of apologizing? What's more, I was right. If Ai Shishi hadn't been violent to me, I wouldn't have poured water on her."

"Besides, I'm more pursuing the present life than staying by his side and being tortured."

Mama Feng was helpless.Both of them have such stubborn personalities, they don't know when it will end!

(End of this chapter)

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