Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 138 Don't catch a cold

Chapter 138 Don't catch a cold
Where is this nonsense?It's obviously a question, okay?

Jie Yiyi took the opportunity to sit down, and Yan Yifeng thoughtfully sandwiched food for her, "Eat more."

She had the illusion for a moment that Yan Yifeng was... gentle again?
Did he let Feng's mother cook such a large table of dishes to make up for the prison food he gave her in the past few days?
Let you starve for three days, and then prepare a big table of good food for you, Jie Yiyi doesn't know whether she should laugh or cry?
"Am I very handsome tonight?" Yan Yifeng stopped picking up vegetables, raised his lips, and cast a wink at her.

That seductive look in his eyes could kill thousands of young girls instantly. She admitted that he had always been handsome.

Jie Yiyi picked up the chopsticks, put a piece of meat into her mouth, and said in a flat tone, "General."

"Huh?" Yan Yifeng moved his head closer to her, and his smile deepened, "Since it's normal, why did you stare at me for 45 seconds?"

Jie Yiyi continued to hold the vegetables, chewing with her small mouth, "You are so abnormal."

Yan Yifeng's ambiguous eyes deepened a bit, damn it!This woman, can she be so alluring even with a meal?

Maybe it's because he hasn't looked at her so closely in a few days, and he found that this woman is beautiful no matter how she looks, even if she is angry or sleeping, she can still appreciate a unique beauty.

Thinking of the scene of washing her body in the bathroom, a warm current rushed down under her body, and a certain place suddenly became hot.

Damn it!Eating a meal can also eat desire ~ fire?
I wanted to scold her at first, but I was afraid that when I saw that chattering little mouth, I couldn't help but pounce on it...

He stared at her coldly, and warned with disdain, "Don't talk too much about eating!"

Jie Yiyi moved her small mouth, wanted to speak but didn't, she lowered her head and continued to eat the food in the bowl.

this night.Yan Yifeng put a lot of food in her bowl, but he ate very little.

After dinner.

Jie Yiyi sat on the sofa and watched TV for a while, feeling a little sleepy, so she went upstairs to take a shower.

When passing the study, I heard Yan Yifeng talking on the phone, because the distance was a little far away, I couldn't hear it clearly, and I only heard about Yu Shaofan.

Jie Yiyi just wanted to get closer and listen more clearly, but at this time, Yan Yifeng had already hung up the phone, and Jie Yiyi quickly walked past as if nothing had happened.

What does Yan Yifeng want to do?Could it be that the last time he went to France, he was still thinking about it?So, looking for a chance to take revenge on Yu Shaofan?
"What are you thinking about? Don't go in with your pajamas? Wait for me to wash it for you?" Yan Yifeng's hands circled in as his waist warmed up, and he buried his head in her neck and said ambiguously.

After being interrupted by Yan Yifeng, Jie Yiyi came back to his senses, and pushed him away in disgust, "You think too much!"

Yan Yifeng's hand withdrew from Jie Yiyi's waist, he curled his lips into a smile, stroked her hair, his eyes were a little doting, "Hey, go in, don't catch a cold."

"Yeah." Even though Jie Yiyi hated other people touching her like this, his words made her feel warm.

Yan Yifeng told her not to catch a cold?If she remembered correctly, this was the first time in history that he said such a thing.

After going in.Jie Yiyi soaked in the bathtub for a while, and then came out, but at this time, Yan Yifeng had already put on his bathrobe and sat on the sofa.

Seeing that her hair was still wet, he put down his wine glass and ordered in a gentle tone, "Come here."

Jie Yiyi stared at him and hesitated for a few seconds, then walked towards him with delicate steps.

(End of this chapter)

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