Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 139 Afraid of her embarrassment?

Chapter 139 Afraid of her embarrassment?
Yan Yifeng stared at her unwaveringly, his lips were still slightly hooked gracefully.

Seeing her stop, he stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms. The action was obviously rude, but it didn't hurt her.

Jie Yiyi was pulled into his arms and sat on his lap, maybe because of the hot shower, he wrapped her tightly around her.

Yan Yifeng took the towel in her hand, and wiped her hair for her. Jie Yiyi sat there stiffly, but did not stop her.

His movements were very light and gentle. After wiping off the water drops for her, he picked up the hair dryer beside her and dried her. During the whole process, the two of them didn't speak a word.

After drying.Yan Yifeng hugged her into his arms and continued to caress her hair.

"Want to drink?"

Seeing Jie Yiyi staring at him, Yan Yifeng asked her.

Jie Yiyi shook her head, "I'm sleepy and want to sleep."

Yan Yifeng continued to caress her hair, and gently touched her eyes with his lips, "I just finished blowing my hair, I will sleep later."


After a while, seeing that Jie Yiyi was really sleepy, Yan Yifeng put her on the bed~, seeing her eyes closed, he relaxed a lot.

After covering her with the quilt, he left.

A very strange feeling rose in her heart, Jie Yiyi was obviously very sleepy, but Yan Yifeng's departure made her unable to open her eyes.

Where is he... going?

study?Or the living room?Still out?But where would he be going at this late hour?Are you looking for Ashish?

Staring at the chandelier on the ceiling, she felt that she lost all sleepiness.

In the past few days, she is obviously used to the days without Yan Yifeng, but, lying on his bed~, without him, she is not used to it...

Because, the whole room is full of his breath.Just now, one second ago, he was blowing her hair carefully, and the next second, he left quietly.

Forget it... Jie Yiyi turned over and was about to fall asleep, but suddenly there was movement outside the door, the sound of footsteps echoing in the corridor made her heart tremble slightly, followed by the sound of pushing the door.

She closed her eyes tightly, pretending to be asleep.

A few seconds later, Yan Yifeng got on the bed gently, and seeing Jie Yiyi turned sideways, he gently turned her back again, moving very slowly, for fear of waking her up.

Yan Yifeng first kissed her on the forehead, then pushed her little hand away and unbuttoned her pajamas.

Jie Yiyi trembled her eyelashes, her face was a little red, damn it, what did he want?Why don't you take off her pajamas?She felt a little uneasy in her heart, but she didn't dare to open her eyes.

At least she closed her eyes, Yan Yifeng didn't dare to rape her in her sleep.

After taking off her clothes, Jie Yiyi felt a shade on her chest. Even though he had seen everything on her body, Jie Yiyi was still very shy, and had a little urge to open her eyes.

Yan Yifeng covered her lower body with a quilt, then took the ointment on the side, squeezed it out, spread it evenly on the wound, and pressed it gently.

With a cool feeling, Jie Yiyi immediately understood Yan Yifeng's intention.

He didn't apply medicine for her when she finished drying her hair just now, but waited until she fell asleep... Was it because she was afraid of embarrassing her?Still afraid, looking at her sober, can't help wanting her?
Heart, shaking slightly.Sometimes it hurts, sometimes it's warm...


Maybe it was her most fatal wound, Jie Yiyi groaned in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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