Chapter 144 My Fiancee

Yan Yifeng hugged Jie Yiyi who was about to retreat, and walked towards Yu Shaofan, his voice came out from his evilly smiling lips.

Yu Shaofan stared at the ring that Jie Yiyi had just put on, and after a few seconds, he smiled gracefully before responding, "President Yan, what a coincidence!"

Even though he was hiding it, his eyes still couldn't help but land on Jie Yiyi. At this moment, she had a stiff face, neither sad nor happy.

Yan Yifeng lifted his lips, glanced at Lin Xi, and interrupted Yu Shaofan's nostalgic eyes, "Come to pick out the ring? Who is this?"

The last time they met, the two were still pointing guns at each other, but this time they met, they could talk so casually, she was very impressed!
Yu Shaofan came back to his senses, put his arms around Lin Xi's waist, smiled restrainedly, and nodded, "Yes. She is my fiancee——Lin Xi."

Gentleman Yan Yifeng smiled, bowed his head and kissed Jie Yiyi's kiss pamperingly, glanced at Lin Xi, looked at Lin Xi disdainfully, and then said slowly, "It's not bad."

Lin Xi's smile froze, Yu Shaofan didn't pay attention to his words, but turned his head, and said to Lin Xi in the same tone as introducing a girlfriend, "She is Yiyi."

Yan Yifeng's face darkened, he tightened Jie Yiyi's waist, and added, "My woman."

Jie Yiyi and Lin Xi glanced at Yan Yifeng at the same time, and then Lin Xi smiled sweetly at her, "Hello, Yiyi!"

On the day they got married, she was actually there. She knew exactly what happened between them and why they broke off the engagement.

Jie Yiyi's face tensed even more, but after a few seconds, she had suppressed her emotions and responded with a smile, "Hello."

I thought that when Yu Shaofan found the girl he liked, she would be happy for him, and then smiled and blessed.

But now, she found that when it was time to face it, it was very difficult to smile and bless her from the bottom of her heart.

Even when she saw them holding hands, her heart was aching slightly, a thorn hidden deep in her heart was already making trouble...

"Since the ring hasn't been picked yet, I won't bother you. Later, Jie Yiyi and I will go to the cruise ship to watch the night view..." Yan Yifeng said arrogantly, and added, "I'm looking forward to your wedding!"

"Thank you, Mr. Yan." Lin Xi responded with a smile.

After finishing speaking, Yan Yifeng hugged Jie Yiyi and returned to the front desk, returning to his usual coldness.

Jie Yiyi looked away from Yu Shaofan, feeling a little sore and uncomfortable, but she knew that she didn't have the right to be sad.

"Miss, you are so happy. The only tear in this set is specially ordered by Mr. Yan from a famous designer in Paris. At present, there is only one in the world, and it is also named: True love
"The definition of true love is: persistent pursuit, brave sacrifice."


These two words made Jie Yiyi's heart even heavier. Perhaps, she should have touched Yan Yifeng's care for her.

But in front of Yu Shaofan, the better he treats her, the more she feels guilty towards Yu Shaofan.

The waiter glanced at the four weird people, and after introducing the definition of true love, he said sweetly, "Bless the miss and sir, have a bright future."

Although Yan Yifeng looked cold on the surface, but in his heart, he was extremely comfortable. He took out a gold card from his wallet and threw it to the waiter.

The waiter's eyes lit up immediately when he saw the gold card. I heard that this kind of gold card has such terrifying numbers that you can't finish swiping it all, so it is called a gold card.

(End of this chapter)

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