Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 145 Yan Yifeng's Intentions

Chapter 145 Yan Yifeng's Intentions

She didn't dare to neglect, took it carefully, and said, "Mr. Yan, the total is 660 million."

"En." He responded lightly, with a look of insignificance on his face. There are not many women who don't like a rich and powerful man like him.

Six thousand sixty-six million.This number fell in Jie Yiyi's heart like a huge stone, making her breathless.

She raised her eyes and looked at Yan Yifeng, and Yan Yifeng gave her a gentle smile, then lowered her head, and kissed her lightly.

There was a chill behind her back, and Jie Yiyi could clearly feel the cold gaze from behind, for a second, she wanted to shake off the necklace on her neck and the ring on her hand and escape from here, avoiding them, hiding far.

But Yan Yifeng's eyes with a hidden knife in his smile did not allow her to do this.

He took back the card handed by the waiter, and Jie Yiyi obediently took his hand, and left under the watchful eyes of Yu Shaofan and Lin Xi.

Just when they were about to step out of the door, Yu Shaofan behind him suddenly stopped her, his voice was magnetic, "Yiyi..."

She originally wanted to pretend she didn't hear it, but she stopped a step ahead, and she looked at Yan Yifeng with consulting eyes, but he didn't stop her.

Jie Yiyi bit her lip, turned her head with a sweet smile, "What's wrong?"

Her melodious voice touched his heartstrings, and Lin Xi beside him looked at Yu Shaofan questioningly, and after a long time, he said, "The necklace on your neck is very beautiful."

Jie Yiyi conscripted.

"Thank you." These two words came out of her throat with difficulty.

Coming out of the jewelry store, as soon as Jie Yiyi got into the car, she immediately took off the ring and handed it to Yan Yifeng, "Give it back to you."

Yan Yifeng looked at the ring she returned, but didn't take it, but rolled his eyes, "What? You don't like it?"

"Why did you give me such a valuable thing?"

A necklace and a ring cost 660 million, which she couldn't afford to wear.I can't afford something so expensive.This little thing is worth six of her.

Yan Yifeng took her hand, with a deep smile on his lips, "As a man, I shouldn't buy things for my woman?!"

Jie Yiyi swallowed the bitterness in her throat, and reached out to untie the necklace around her neck, "Yan Yifeng, did you do it on purpose?"

He knew that Yu Shaofan and Lin Xi would go there to pick out rings tonight.

So, I specially brought her here, and then in front of Yu Shaofan, I gave her a necklace and a ring, challenged him, showed him their love, and suppressed him by the way.

He leaned on the car seat, his eyes darkened, and he responded handsomely, "Yes!"

He didn't deny it, he admitted it.

"Why? What do you want to express?" Jie Yiyi tugged on the necklace around her neck, but she couldn't get it off no matter what.

Yan Yifeng pursed his lips lightly, but did not answer her.

He didn't tell her that this gift was a birthday present he had prepared in France, but that day she ran away with Yu Shaofan, and he was so angry that he stepped on the necklace and ring...

After returning to China, he went to the jewelry store, but he couldn’t find the style he liked, so he drafted a copy himself and asked them to order it, and named it: True love
Just now the waiter almost slipped her tongue, but seeing the glint in Yan Yifeng's eyes, she changed her words tactfully.

"You want to tell me that Shaofan is married to another woman, tell me, let me give up? Let me stay by your side obediently and be your pet, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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