Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 151 It will hurt your feet

Chapter 151 It will hurt your feet
"I..." Jie Yiyi bowed her head in embarrassment, she only realized now that she couldn't even dance.

Yan Yifeng taught her to step on the dance steps, but Jie Yiyi always stepped on his feet because she couldn't keep up with the steps, and a pair of shiny leather shoes were trampled dirty.

When Yan Yifeng opened his mouth, he wanted to scold her for being stupid, but she looked serious, and she endured it again, calming down her gloomy expression, and said, "Take off your shoes and step on my feet."

"..." Jie Yiyi hesitated, "But, it will hurt your feet."

"Whispering!" Yan Yifeng disliked it, and in the end, Jie Yiyi obediently did as he wanted.

He wraps around her waist, and she hooks his neck with both hands. Yan Yifeng bears her weight and walks with unusual dance steps...

Under the light, the backs of the two were blurred, and the scene was very warm and moving.

on a cruise ship.At a glance, the night view of City S is very beautiful.

Jie Yiyi was embraced by Yan Yifeng, facing the wind, with a contented expression on his face.

The waves are loud, but they are extremely comfortable. Jie Yiyi closed her eyes and prayed silently, hoping that the waves can dilute the memory of tonight.

Just now, her heart was obviously sad, but for some reason, with Yan Yifeng around, that kind of sadness was gradually being entertained.

Even though every injury and pain was caused by him, she had to admit that from the beginning to the end, he was the only one who was by her side.

I don't know why, but gradually, she didn't hate Yan Yifeng so much, and gradually, she began to get nervous about his temper.

When she is with him, when she is happy, she can even forget to miss Yu Shaofan...

Moreover, when he was gentle, he was not that scary.

"Jie Yiyi." Yan Yifeng pulled her body back, and Jie Yiyi turned to meet his eyes.

"Come in, the sea breeze is a bit strong." Even though he had taken off his coat and put it on her, he could still feel her shivering body.

"Oh." Jie Yiyi buried her head in his arms, his heartbeat was still strong and firm, like a shelter from the wind, which made people feel at ease.


"Jie Yiyi, don't sleep yet, I'll be home soon, and I need to apply medicine later."

Yan Yifeng knew that Jie Yiyi was sleepy, if he fell asleep now, he was afraid that he would accidentally wake her up when he went back to apply the medicine.

Jie Yiyi opened her eyes which had just been closed, and his words made her heart beat obviously.

"Yeah." Jie Yiyi didn't fall asleep with her eyes open, Yan Yifeng lowered his head and kissed her lips, but she couldn't help but fell asleep.

At night, she vaguely felt that someone was rolling and massaging her body, but she didn't open her eyes because she was too sleepy.

It was night and dawn.

After getting up, there was no sign of Yan Yifeng beside him, Jie Yiyi frowned, lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and came to the bathroom, but there was no sign of Yan Yifeng.

Strange... Didn't he say he would take her to the company?Why did you leave first?
Could it be that, because he was in a better mood, those secretaries were called back again, so she was no longer needed?
probably!When they came to the closet, Jie Yiyi took the clothes and wanted to change.

There was a smell of ointment on her chest, and she looked down at the wound. Under the maintenance of the ointment, the wound obviously improved.

At this time, several pictures broke out in my mind, and I vaguely remembered that after she fell asleep last night, someone took off her clothes and stroked her wound...

(End of this chapter)

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