Chapter 152
"Jie Yiyi, don't sleep yet, I'll be home soon, and I need to apply medicine later."

This is what Yan Yifeng said to her before she fell asleep.

She even forgot that she was still injured, but he did not forget to apply medicine for her.

In the bottom of my heart, a very warm feeling rose.

After washing, Jie Yiyi was going to go down to have breakfast. As soon as she opened the door, Bo An, who was guarding the door, quickly stepped forward and bowed respectfully to her, "Ms. Jie, good morning."

Jie Yiyi was a little surprised, why did Bo An appear here, but she still smiled and responded, "Well, good morning."

Then she was about to go downstairs, Bo An followed immediately, and continued to speak, "Miss Jie, we have prepared breakfast for you, after breakfast, follow me to the company."


Jie Yiyi stopped in her tracks, turned her head, and looked at Bo An in surprise, Bo An explained unhurriedly, "This morning, Mr. Yan told me to wait for you here before going out."

So she's still going to his company?
No wonder why Bo An suddenly appeared at her door.

"Oh." Jie Yiyi responded softly, ready to go downstairs, but after thinking about it, she still couldn't help turning her head, "Why, when he left, didn't he wake me up to go with him?"

How embarrassed is she to let Bo An wait here alone for so long?
Bo An thought for a while, then shook his head, "I'm sorry, Miss Jie, Mr. Yan only asked me to do this, and he didn't tell me the reason."

Jie Yiyi apologized a little, "Then wait for me, I will change my clothes."

"Yes, Miss Jie."

Compared with Feng's mother, Bo An's mouth is more mouthful. When she woke up in the morning, seeing her sleeping so soundly, Yan Yifeng couldn't bear to disturb her, so he asked Bo An to send her to the company after she woke up.

Things that can be seen through at a glance in the eyes of outsiders, but it is not easy for Jie Yiyi to understand, because she dare not be sentimental.

After changing clothes and having breakfast, Jie Yiyi left in Bo An's car and came to CE Building, Bo An led her into the VIP passage, and then pressed the top floor.

Jie Yiyi took the elevator with a feeling of apprehension, because it was the first time for her to come to a large group like CE.

After a long time, the elevator opened with a 'ding' sound, Bo An walked out first, and Jie Yiyi quickly followed.

The elevator and the office are directly connected, that is to say, as soon as the elevator opened, Jie Yiyi had already appeared in Yan Yifeng's office.

At this moment, Yan Yifeng's angry roar resounded throughout the office.

"What CE wants is talent, not fools. I want you to submit a creative plan to me. What the hell kind of rubbish are you uploading? Redo!! All redo!! If you can't do it well, get out!"

"The customer service at the real estate side will always change for me. What kind of service attitude? Customer complaint calls are all coming to my office!!"

"Also, I'll change the trader too!! If you're not in the company for a day, what will happen to the votes? Raising a dog is better than raising a bunch of useless trash like you!"


The manager of CE was scolded bloody by Yan Yifeng. It took half an hour before Yan Yifeng hung up the video, and the whole office smelled of gunpowder.

Fortunately, the manager didn't show up in the office, otherwise, I can't guarantee that his head is still there... It's terrible.

"Mr. Yan." Bo An stepped forward, Yan Yifeng turned around and was about to yell, but Bo An was the first to speak, "Miss Jie is here."

(End of this chapter)

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