Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 154 Who Made You Bully Me?

Chapter 154 Who Made You Bully Me?
"Ghosts believe you! With so many women around you, they may come to you in no time." Jie Yiyi didn't believe it even if she was beaten to death.

The strength on the big palm increased, "Jie Yiyi, do you dare to believe me?"

Jie Yiyi struggled to leave, but he refused, Jie Yiyi had to lower her head and bite his hand, Yan Yifeng frowned in pain, Jie Yiyi successfully escaped from danger.

Yan Yifeng's face turned dark, "Jie Yiyi, how dare you bite me?"

Jie Yiyi stuck out her tongue at him, "Who told you to bully me?"

If you don't break free from his clutches, do you want to let him do whatever you want?She doesn't want it.

Yan Yifeng sat on the big chair with a high posture, looked at her mischievous appearance coldly, looked indifferent on the surface, but actually smiled in his heart, "Come here!"

Jie Yiyi knew that she would suffer another disaster once she passed by, so she hurriedly backed away, "I don't want to."

This is the office, which is different from Yan's manor. If he dares to be violent to her, she can leave by elevator.

Yan Yifeng lifted his lips slightly, he knew what she was thinking clearly, and he opened his eyes, and said again, "Come here! Otherwise, you will be at your own risk!"

Although his tone was as flat as usual, Jie Yiyi could hear the dangerous warning in it.

But, after the past, will he stop torturing her?
After moving her footsteps, Jie Yiyi took another two steps back, "Yan Yifeng, this is the office, you can't mess around!"

Although staying in Yan's Manor is not free, it is better than being here in fear.

Yan Yifeng's smile deepened, and he continued to stare at her jokingly.

Jie Yiyi bit her lip, seeing a bitten tooth mark on the back of his hand, she stretched out her white hand, "At worst, I'll bite it back for you!"

Seeing that she still didn't intend to come, Yan Yifeng withdrew his smile, stood up from the big chair, and walked towards her with steady steps.

Jie Yiyi was so frightened that she was about to run to the elevator, but Yan Yifeng stretched out his hand to catch her, and said in a cold voice with a hint of sarcasm, "Why are you running?"

Jie Yiyi held down the elevator with one hand, and broke away from Yan Yifeng's hand with the other, but her strength was not strong enough for him, and she could only struggle under his restraints if she wanted to escape.

No matter how much she struggled, in his eyes, it was unnecessary.

"Yan Yifeng, you can't be so unreasonable, you can't be so perverted, you will suffer retribution!"

Really helpless, Jie Yiyi turned around and spoke with a little emotion.

Yan Yifeng raised his eyebrows, with admiration on his face, "In your eyes, eating a meal is considered abnormal?!"

After hearing his words, Jie Yiyi put down her guard and hit him angrily, "You..."

He must have done it on purpose. If she obediently passed by, his intention was definitely not to eat.

"What look? Are you dissatisfied that you didn't achieve what you thought?!"

"You..." Jie Yiyi stammered again.

Yan Yifeng hooked his lips, put his arms around her waist, and lowered his head to her ear, "Hey, don't think too much about malnutrition when you go to work. I will satisfy you when you go back at night!"

"Yan-Yi-Feng." Jie Yiyi gritted her teeth in hatred.

"I'm here." Yan Yifeng was triumphant.

Jie Yiyi didn't dare to swear, her face was flushed with restraint, she could only clenched her fists tightly, well, she admitted that she couldn't beat him.

Yan Yifeng hugged her into the elevator, Jie Yiyi shook off his hand, did not stand on the same line with him, turned her face away, and did not meet his gaze.

"Are you angry?" Yan Yifeng took a closer look, Jie Yiyi pursed his lips, clenched his fists tightly, and ignored him.

Yan Yifeng chuckled and pinched her face, "The little evil is angry? But, you look much better when you are angry than when you are not angry. Not bad, I am satisfied!"

Jie Yiyi slapped his hands off, "Don't talk to me for three hours."

Otherwise, she couldn't guarantee that she would slap him to death.

(End of this chapter)

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