Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 155 Comforting Mr. Yan

Chapter 155 Comforting Mr. Yan
Yan Yifeng smiled, stroked her hair with a big palm, very gentle, "What do you want for lunch?"

"..." Jie Yiyi ignored him, she had already said just now that she would not talk to him within three hours.

Yan Yifeng's eyes deepened a bit, and his smile deepened, "Jie Yiyi, I'll take you back to Yan's Manor after dinner."

As soon as her eyes lit up, Jie Yiyi immediately raised her head, looked at him with joy and asked, "Really?"

Yan Yifeng raised his eyebrows, and said handsomely, "Fake!"

"You..." Jie Yiyi punched Yan Yifeng in the face, but his hands were blocked by his arms, and they were wrapped tightly.

"Good boy." Yan Yifeng wrapped her in his arms, the elevator opened, Jie Yiyi struggled to get out, but Yan Yifeng picked her up and threw her into the car.


After that, Yan Yifeng took her into a box.

During the meal, Jie Yiyi kept sullen and ignored him, while Yan Yifeng patiently served her dishes.

When drinking the soup, I didn't forget to cool it down for her.

After eating, Yan Yifeng didn't intend to send her back, but took her back to the office.

After she came back, Jie Yiyi went into the bathroom, it was a bit sunny outside, her face was sweating when she was eating just now.

Yan Yifeng sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, holding a magazine in his hand, staring at the busy little woman across the way intentionally or unintentionally.

From a distance, she looks like a beautiful oil painting, although it is not the most touching in the world, it is the rarest.

She was slightly bent, her hips were raised slightly, and her posture was a bit seductive. Yan Yifeng saw the fire rising, retracted his burning eyes, and got up to go there.

But at this moment, the elevator opened with a 'ding'.

Yan Yifeng slowed down and looked over there. In the elevator, there was a coquettishly dressed woman standing there.

When she saw him, the woman immediately stepped on her high heels and twisted her waist, and rushed over delicately, "Mr. Yan, long time no see, I miss you."

The clothes she wears are very naked, and with a slight twist of her waist, the softness of her chest is ready to come out immediately. For Yan Yifeng who is on fire, it is quite tempting.

But when Yan Yifeng saw Ai Shishi, his face immediately darkened, and he pushed her away with a gesture of resistance, "Who asked you to come?"

Ai Shishi, who had just been pushed away, stuck to him like a gummy candy, and her little hands wrapped around his neck, "I heard from my best friend that Mr. Yan is in a bad mood, so I came here from the crew to comfort Mr. Yan." Well."

Ai Shishi wears heavy makeup, her lips are rosy, and she is very coquettish. Normally, she doesn't dislike her appearance, but looking at her today, she is very annoying.

Yan Yifeng pushed her away impatiently again, with a cold face, "Go back! Don't appear here without my permission in the future!"

"Why?" Ai Shishi still relentlessly softened him, her small mouth pouting, feeling aggrieved, "Before, Boss Yan said that only I can come and go here freely, so don't you think that Boss Yan's words don't count?"

Ai Shishi blinked her big eyes, then suddenly realized, she smiled charmingly, raised her slender fingers, and drew circles on his chest, "Mr. Yan only speaks when he is in a bad mood."

"Isn't he here to let you vent? As long as Mr. Yan calms down, you can do whatever you want. Where do you do it today, on the sofa, in the bedroom, or on the office chair?"

"Actually, as long as Mr. Yan is happy, it doesn't matter where you go...Come on."

There was another soft voice.

(End of this chapter)

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