Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 174 Girl, who are you waiting for?

Chapter 174 Girl, who are you waiting for?

Just as she was about to take out her cell phone, she realized that she didn't bring anything with her and blamed the damn dress, Jie Yiyi stomped her feet angrily.

When did Yan Yifeng become so stingy?Even if you lose your temper, you have to wait until you get back to the manor.

What's the point of leaving her here alone?
Suddenly the light in front of her was refracted, stinging her eyes, and Jie Yiyi hurriedly blocked the light with the back of her hand.

It was a black car, and Jie Yiyi was overjoyed, and hurriedly waved to stop the car, "Yan Yifeng, you stop, we have something to say."

The car stopped slowly and opened the window.However, a middle-aged woman was sitting inside. She poked her head out, glanced at her, and then smiled.

Uh... Jie Yiyi looked at her license plate, this car is not Yan Yifeng's, she stopped the wrong car.

Damn Yan Yifeng, really don't plan to come back to pick her up?
The joy in her heart subsided, and Jie Yiyi said sorry to her and smiled, "I'm sorry, I admitted the wrong person."

With that said, she quickly made a detour to let the car pass by.

The middle-aged woman stared at her and smiled for a long time before restarting the car.

The car passed by slowly in front of her, and suddenly, a figure came into sight, Jie Yiyi's eyes narrowed, and she just wanted to see clearly, but the car was already far away.

Just now...why did the man sitting in the car look a bit like Shaofan?
However, today is his engagement day, why would he appear here?

The middle-aged woman who drove the car just now seemed a little familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before.

It can't be such a coincidence, if it is really Shaofan, then he will definitely stop when he sees her.

Shaking her head, she decisively dismissed that thought.

The black car gradually moved away, and the man inside the car kept looking back at Jie Yiyi until his vision blurred...

Then he turned around and looked at the woman driving in front, with a trace of worry in his eyes, "Are you really not going to pick up Yiyi in the car? She might be in danger if she's there alone."

Looking at the car mirror, the woman smiled sarcastically, "What? Don't believe what I said? Don't worry, Yan Yifeng will come back naturally in 5 minutes."

"Don't let impulse spoil our event." Her eyes darkened, and there was no excessive emotion on her face.

Yu Shaofan looked at the time on his wrist and thought for a while, "Well, I understand."

Jie Yiyi stood at the gate of the amusement park, wanting to leave, but was afraid that Yan Yifeng would not find her when he came back.

But if he didn't leave, he was afraid of meeting bad guys here, so his two little hands were twisted together, feeling very uneasy.

Damn Yan Yifeng, if something happens to her here, she will never let him go even if she is a ghost.

After waiting for a long time, Yan Yifeng still didn't come back, Jie Yiyi folded her arms and squatted down.

at this time.A few thick and big men suddenly came out from the dark night, and they saw Jie Yiyi from a distance.

Several people looked at each other, raised their eyebrows, smiled evilly, and walked over here.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Jie Yiyi's heart flustered, she hurriedly stood up, seeing someone walking towards her, she turned her back, quickened her pace and was about to leave.

However, her footsteps were not as big as theirs. After two trots, several tall men chased after her and stopped her.

A man with a prominent stature came out first, touched his chin obscenely, and looked at Jie Yiyi carefully, "Girl, who are you waiting here alone?"

His eyes were fixed on Jie Yiyi's looming breast cleft, and he smiled lewdly.

(End of this chapter)

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