Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 175 Are You Fucking Tired?

Chapter 175 Are You Fucking Tired?

Jie Yiyi was so frightened that she almost burst into tears. When Yan Yifeng raped her before, she had never hated her so much. She couldn't struggle, so she could only shout, "Yan Yifeng, save me! Yan Yifeng, save me!"

The man roughly squeezed her body, Jie Yiyi shouted until her throat became hoarse.

Enough tormented, the man took out the things under his body, leaned on him, and wanted to occupy Jie Yiyi.

"Squeak——" At this time, when there was a harsh braking sound next to his ears, Jie Yiyi saw a face covered with haze in his blurred vision. He clenched his fists tightly and rushed towards this place like a devil Bian, looks terrible and scary.

"Bump—" The man who just wanted to occupy Jie Yiyi's body leaned over, before he could react to what was going on, he spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

Without those dirty hands on her body, Jie Yiyi's sense of disgust suddenly decreased a bit, but at this moment, she was already in a mess.

Yan Yifeng's anger rose, he took off his suit and quickly covered her body, instead of comforting her immediately, he turned around furiously, raised his leg and kicked the man who fell on the ground fiercely.

"Damn it! Which hand touched it? Say!"

The men behind him, seeing Yan Yifeng's appearance, turned sideways and were about to escape, but Bo An subdued them with a good skill.

The man who was trampled under Yan Yifeng's feet trembled in fright when he saw Yan Yifeng's fierce eyes, "Hero, spare her life! I didn't touch her, but..."

"Fuck~ you fucking fuck!" Kicking him in the face, Yan Yifeng gritted his teeth angrily, "You dare to touch my Yan Yifeng's woman?! Hmm?! Are you fucking tired of working?!"

The man was kicked full of blood, Yan Yifeng's ferocity frightened him, watching his brothers being subdued.

He shrank his head like a grandson and begged for mercy, "It's my fault. I was blind, so I couldn't see Mount Tai. I just touched her a few times, and I didn't really want to violate... Your lord has a lot, please forgive me." One life, spare my life."

"Bai An go to the car and get a gun!"

A woman who dared to touch him would have to accept such a price! !Seeing his dirty hands groping her body, he wished he could smash his body to pieces! ! !
Hearing Yan Yifeng holding a gun, Jie Yiyi's face turned pale with fright, and she took a step forward, "Yan Yifeng, just send them to the police station, don't kill anyone..."

"Shut up! Stand aside!!" Yan Yifeng interrupted her coldly. If he quits them today, Yan Yifeng will feel guilty all his life.

Oh shit! !Why did he leave her here alone? !Damn it! ! !

Jie Yiyi trembled and dared not speak. The scene just now was constantly replaying in her mind. At this moment, she didn't want the blood to increase her terror. What she wanted was a shoulder that she could rely on.

Seeing the tears in Jie Yiyi's eyes, Yan Yifeng knew that he had ignored her, and reached out his hand roughly to pull her into his arms, holding her tightly.

Jie Yiyi couldn't hold back the tears, she snuggled into his arms, her voice trembling and hoarse, "Yan Yifeng, let's go home, let's go home..."

Her panic, her unstoppable tears made Yan Yifeng feel like a knife cut his heart, he wished he could kill himself.

"Jie Yiyi, I'm here!" Yan Yifeng couldn't control his strength, and hugged him tighter and tighter. He only hoped that a little more warmth could calm her fear at this moment.

"Mr. Yan, the gun you want!" Bo An's voice suddenly sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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