Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 176 Who instigated it?

Chapter 176 Who instigated it?

Yan Yifeng's eyes turned cold, he turned sideways, and said fiercely, "It's too cheap for this kind of person to jump with a single shot!! First goug their eyes, remove their hands and feet, and then throw them into the sea to feed the fish!!"

The group of men who were subdued were so frightened that their jaws dropped to the ground. Yan Yifeng looked at them, and then gritted his teeth and added, "Including his family, let's destroy together!! Remember, it's dead without a whole body!!"

Bo An immediately nodded, "Yes, Mr. Yan."

Jie Yiyi in her arms was trembling with fright, she didn't dare to look up at Yan Yifeng's expression at this time.

The man just touched her, and he was going to kill their whole family.Does he have to be so cruel?Isn't it illegal to kill like this?
In Europe, Yan Yifeng had received professional training, so his strength was so great that he could kill a person with one kick, and the man who fell on the ground was already dying.

The rest of the men, who were handcuffed, became paralyzed when they heard that they had killed the whole family. He just took money and did things for others, but he caused such a disaster.

When the man saw the sharp knife and pistol in Bo An's hand, he must keep his mouth shut and spit out all the conspiracy at once, "Mr. Yan, you let us go, rape~Miss Baojie is not our original intention."

Seeing that he was the first to expose the conspiracy, the man on the side hurriedly agreed to save his life, "Yes, someone paid us to instruct us to do this... President Yan, please let us go, we will follow you like cows and horses for the rest of our lives. "

Someone ordered?

Yan Yifeng's face became darker, he narrowed his dangerous eyes, glared at them, and smiled, "Who ordered it?"

"It's Miss Ai... She asked us to follow Miss Jie for a long time. She originally wanted me to kidnap Miss Jie, but Miss Jie is too attractive, we couldn't help but..."

Bo An pointed a gun at the man who spoke, fearing that the bullet would be merciless, he continued to speak, "Miss Ai is a popular star in S city, Ai Shishi, she said, Miss Jie robbed his man, she was not reconciled, so... ..."

Ai Shishi?The woman in her arms trembled even more when she heard the name.

No wonder, at the banquet, she always felt that there were many pairs of eyes staring at her.It turned out that someone was following him from the beginning.

Yan Yifeng remained expressionless, but clenched his fists even tighter.

very good! !That woman Ai Shishi dared to play dirty with him? !

Seeing that the bullet didn't come, the man's voice lowered, "Mr. Yan, can you let us go for the sake of our honesty? I was also obsessed for a while, and I did it for money."

"Bo An, put away the gun!" After a while, Yan Yifeng withdrew his gaze from their sight.

Huh——Finally he could breathe a sigh of relief, and the men kowtowed and kowtowed.

"Thank you Mr. Yan, thank you Yan..."

"Broken Corpse!" Yan Yifeng interrupted them mercilessly, Bo An withdrew his gun and said firmly, "Yes, Mr. Yan, just leave it to me!"

"What...broken...corpse..." Hearing Yan Yifeng's words, they fainted directly, and Bo An took out his phone and asked Yan's driver to come over.

Yan Yifeng looked down at Jie Yiyi, damn it!He actually ignored her safety!Just a little bit less, she was raped~ raped! !Heart, aching.

Go back to Yan's house.

Yan Yifeng carried Jie Yiyi to the bathroom, stretched out his hand to untie her clothes, and was about to take a shower for her, but Jie Yiyi curled up at the other end of the bathtub, preventing him from approaching him.

(End of this chapter)

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