Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 178 Big pervert, let me go!

Chapter 178 Big pervert, let me go!
very good!

She laughed at him again!

He said he fell in love with her, but she actually said it was a bad joke...

"Jie Yiyi, you are wolf-hearted, I'm serious, you don't understand?!" Yan Yifeng stared at her seriously.

"It's because I fucking love you that I keep you by my side!!"

He confessed to her honestly, he had warned and satirized himself many times not to fall in love with her, but in the end he couldn't help but fell in love with her.

Jie Yiyi's smile froze at the corner of her mouth, he said he was serious?He fell in love with her?
Yan Yifeng knows what love is?
It's like Jie Yiyi heard the funniest joke in the world.

"Do you love me?" Jie Yiyi couldn't help asking back.

Yan Yifeng stared at her with a trace of sincerity in his eyes, but he didn't answer.

Jie Yiyi punched Yan Yifeng's chest, "Destroy my happiness, rape me regardless of my feelings, imprison me, is this the expression of your love?"

After causing so much harm to her, he still dared to say that he loves her confidently, can she laugh?
With a gloomy face, Yan Yifeng grabbed her hand tightly, "That was in the past, in the past."

They had been together for less than two months, and he had already fallen in love with her irresistibly.

"Heh!" His words, that was before, made Jie Yiyi laugh even more heartbreakingly, "Yan Yifeng, take back your love, I can't bear it."

His suffocating love, his tormenting love, no one can accept.

Yan Yifeng's eyes deepened, and the hands on her shoulders couldn't help but clenched tightly, "What did you say?!"

The first time he confessed, she actually refused!

"I said you don't understand love, take back your love, if you really love me, let me go, I have my own happiness to pursue, if you let me go, I will be grateful to you forever."

Her words made him intensify his strength. The strength was so great that it was about to crush her shoulders. He gritted his teeth and said a few words, "Daydreaming!!"

She knew that there would be such a result, so... everything was just his casual talk!

Yan Yifeng just stared at her like that, and after a long time, Jie Yiyi opened his lips lightly, "Yan Yifeng, go out, I want to stay alone for a while."

She doesn't want to quarrel with him!

Yan Yifeng ignored her words at all, tore off her dress, and washed her body rudely.

Seeing a hickey on her neck, he immediately clenched his fists, "Jie Yiyi, you **** are cheap, you can seduce any man!"

He wasn't cleaning her at all, but increasing the pain, Jie Yiyi pushed him away fiercely, "Yes, I'm a bitch, and I can seduce any man, are you satisfied?"

It was obviously because of him, because of him, that she was raped by them, but he still called her cheap?

"You mean? Very good!! You finally admitted it!" Yan Yifeng tore off his clothes, jumped into the bathtub, and grabbed her body.

"What are you going to do?" Jie Yiyi hammered him, struggling to get up, Yan Yifeng didn't allow her to resist, his eyes were fierce, "What are you doing? Of course it's you!"

"Yan Yifeng, you beast, you pervert, let me go!"

What happened tonight is already enough to make her suffer. Does he want to add more injuries to her?
Yan Yifeng ignored her words, raised her leg and was about to crash into her, but seeing the tears flashing in her eyes, he hesitated.

Why...he couldn't do anything anymore, he found that her tears were his deadliest weakness...

(End of this chapter)

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