Chapter 179 The Drunk Him
Jie Yiyi trembled, this posture made her extremely humiliated, she bit her lips tightly, not to let herself cry, but she couldn't help it...

"Damn it!!" In the end, Yan Yifeng still didn't touch him, and hit the wall with his fist. His eyes were red and his face was serious, as if he was holding back something.

"Jie Yiyi, you damn best don't fall in love with me for the rest of your life!! Otherwise, you will suffer a hundred times as much pain as me!!"

Throwing down these words coldly, Yan Yifeng left the bathroom.

After seeing him leave, Jie Yiyi hugged her knees tightly, trembling unceasingly, tears streaming down endlessly.

He let her go, he didn't touch her, Jie Yiyi should be happy, but her heart was aching.

She didn't know what the reason was, it was just a pain, like a piece of glass had been pierced in her heart, and she couldn't yell out the pain.

His breath is still here, and Yan Yifeng's words are always in Jie Yiyi's mind.

He said he fell in love with her, even though she knew it was all false, but for the first time she saw seriousness in his eyes.

What he said just now was very true, but she laughed at him, and she saw the sadness flashing in his eyes.

Was her heart aching because of his gaze?

He would only be violent, threatening, and violent to her, but, for some reason, when he spoke of his love, her heart moved slightly.

In the amusement park, when she was raped, only Yan Yifeng appeared in her mind, and she hoped that the person who came to rescue her was Yan Yifeng, not Yu Shaofan.

It seemed that she had forgotten Yu Shaofan during the days that she could not forget.

She should hate him obviously, but after he left, she kept recalling what he said, and her heart couldn't help but hurt.

After sitting in the bathtub for an unknown amount of time, Jie Yiyi got up to put on her clothes.

Suddenly, a thick bloody smell passed from the tip of the nose, Jie Yiyi touched her own nose, it wasn't hers.

She searched around and found a pool of blood on the wall, which fell when Yan Yifeng smashed it just now.

he is injured?

Her chest couldn't help tightening, she got up and put on her clothes, and searched for his figure in the room, but there was no one in the room.

She moved anxiously and was about to open the door, but when she thought of what he had done to her just now, she stopped again.

What does her injury have to do with him?Why is she in such a hurry?
She couldn't find a reason, couldn't find any reason to care about him, and finally withdrew.


Downstairs, Yan Yifeng was sitting on the sofa, holding a glass of wine in his hand and drinking it vigorously, with a self-indulgent sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

He couldn't do anything to her?Shouldn't he have raped her violently?How did he come here to smoke wine?
Ah!What a fucking bitch, what's the point of confessing to her?

He has never pursued a woman in his life, never felt sorry for a woman, and did everything he shouldn't do for her, but in her eyes, all of this is just a joke!

The wine was poured into his mouth fiercely, and every time he drank a bottle, he smashed it hard...

Three o'clock in the morning.There was still no figure of Yan Yifeng in the room, Jie Yiyi heard the sound of bottles being thrown downstairs.

It's not that she's not sleepy, but she's used to having him by her side, and she couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning. In the end, she still lifted the quilt.

Standing at the stairs, this angle is just right to face Yan Yifeng. He is sitting on the sofa, still tilting his head up, drinking.

(End of this chapter)

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